Mdmre's Bin Texture Replacer
Building Trucks
(Mdmre's Bin Texture Replacer)

You've already done the mdmre repaint (327k), right? Then you should already know all about this stuff. Either way, please let this page serve as a reference for Burn's Hex Editing instructions on the next page.

In order for your renamed stock truck bin to display your newly painted textures, you'll need to make sure the bin reads the correct textures. To do this, please follow these notes:

Start MTM Bin Texture Replacer, select YurTruck.bin and press SEARCH.  The first file found will be Bigfoot1.raw (for example), enter YurTruk1.raw in the "replace with" box and press UPDATE.  Do this with each file found that needs replacing, using the matching YurTruk?.raw file.  Keep pressing NEXT until you see a window that says "File Saved"

Piece of cake, ain't it?