MTMG - track & Screenshot Expo 2000
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Track & Screenshot Expo 2000

[ Rules ]

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[ Upload Submissions ] [ View Screenshots ] [ View Tracks ]

We will try to keep the rules simple and to the point.


Take screenshots that are interesting, creative, and show the best aspects of the track.

Shots should be 640x480 (full screen).

Shots should be in JPG format.

Shots should be unedited. You may, however, write the name of the track it's from on the image, as well as other info you think is relavent.

You may give in up to 3 screenshots (they don't have to be from the same track).


Make a track that goes in a straight line. If you want it to loop to form a circuit, it must be done by crossing the terrain limits. The point is, no circles.

The drivable track part can be no more than 8 grid squares in total width (for the entire length of the course). Scenery may exceed the driving area.

Send it in. You are allowed 1 track only.


The closing date is May 1st 2000 at midnight.


Judges may contribute to the expo but will not be included in the winner selections.

We reserve the right to amend these rules should the need arise.
(they are guidelines, not carved in stone)