Whoa, whoa man...don't go out like that. Look, the fact of the matter is this track would work in it’s present condition - no question. But it's like I told you the other day, since you've come this far, why not complete the circle? No one's slammin you here, Psyco, I assure you. Look bud, you've got a dang nice layout, and yeah, technically there are a few things wrong, but the way I see it is if you put forth the effort of correcting what's been pointed out, I would think you would be that much further ahead the next time around. I see it as a learning process, you know? There's no question you can whip out extremely nice layouts - you've proven that several times over. But if the expertise is available to you in the form of objective criticism with the focus on making this track the best that it could be (considering the number of people looking at it), why not take it?
Man, I wish you had an insider's view to the beta testing that's done for SMP Creations (OLD_Coach98 and MMouse). It's very much like this...maybe a little more in-depth. In fact, I know it's more in-depth. It’s tweak, tweak, test…and the process is repeated over and over until the makers feel they’ve put forth their best effort. Have you gotten to that point yet? I'll tell you what, I'd lay money you could stroll thru Crosswinds 1&2, and Yazoo and find flaws you probably weren't even aware of before...and it would be because of this process here; beta testing. I don't make tracks, but I've learned quite a bit hanging out at this place.
I seriously hope you reconsider, Psyco. Heck, I've already hyped this track to the team, and even made a spot for it on one of the 3 racing list we run!!!
Bottom line: If you need/want to take a break from it for a few, no problem at all, but don't give up, bud.
[This message has been edited by SLO_COPE (edited 13-07-2002).]