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 Post subject: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play MP
PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:06 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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Hello, we have a problem and could use some assistance. We, my girlfriend and I, want to play MTM2 together on two separate computers. We downloaded and installed the game and patch on both computers using the full game download available from While we can both run the game, we can't connect to each other to play multiplayer. Can someone help us with this issue? We think it may be an OS issue because she's running Win8 and I'm running Win10. But, if someone might have a solution, please help us out. We're trying to connect via TCP/IP and no matter what, neither computer will show the other computer's game regardless of the host. Any ideas? Thanks.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:39 pm 
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It's unlikely for it to be an OS issue, most likely it's a router issue.

One computer will have to do this

While the other one will have to open the DMZ because port forwarding cannot be done by two computers for the same port range.

For more technical info go here. ... rindex.htm

NOTE: I assume you are both behind behind the same router. If you are in different buildings (hence different routers) then you don't need to open the DMZ and port forwarding will suffice.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:57 pm 
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Fila wrote:
It's unlikely for it to be an OS issue, most likely it's a router issue.

One computer will have to do this

While the other one will have to open the DMZ because port forwarding cannot be done by two computers for the same port range.

For more technical info go here. ... rindex.htm

NOTE: I assume you are both behind behind the same router. If you are in different buildings (hence different routers) then you don't need to open the DMZ and port forwarding will suffice.

If they are on the same LAN, then their LAN IP or their computer name should suffice assuming the windows firewall is allowing those connections.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:55 am 

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Slayer wrote:
If they are on the same LAN, then their LAN IP or their computer name should suffice assuming the windows firewall is allowing those connections.

Yes, they're on the same LAN. We've tried using computer names and their LAN IP and they still can't find each other. I'm not sure how to tell Windows Firewall to allow those connections.

Fila wrote:
While the other one will have to open the DMZ because port forwarding cannot be done by two computers for the same port range.

Isn't that dangerous? I'm not an expert in computers or networks, but I do know some things. But doesn't opening a DMZ make a computer or network vulnerable to external attacks? I really want to play MTM2 but I don't want to risk a hack just to play the game.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:33 pm 
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If you open it up to play for half an hour/an hour and then close it back nothing will happen. There's better odds at winning the lottery. ... =windows-7

After step 2, search for monster truck madness, click both boxes and save the settings.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:01 am 
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Actually this sounds like a problem an old router of mine had. I fixed it by smashing it.

Anyways, randomly my laptop and desktop lose connection to each other. Weirdly, going into device manager, show hidden devices, and disabling the "Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface" tends to suddenly make it happy again.
I have no idea what this thing is for, but I found this problem on the internet and I was told to disable this to make Steam streaming happy, and sure enough, the instant I disabled it, steam detected other machines, file sharing worked, etc.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:48 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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Okay, I've tried every option that both you, Slayer, and Fila suggested. I tried Port Forwarding on the host computer and Enabling DMZ on the joining computer. Nothing. Reversed the process making the DMZ computer the Host. Nothing. I disabled the Pseudo-Interface and, while you are right, file sharing among my computers on the system has VASTLY improved, still MTM2 will not show any other session in the "Step 2" box on the Multiplayer screen. The only thing that is different between the instructions you provided is that my system will not allow me to keep the "Local Port" option blank. According to the picture on this page -> the Local Port column is blank. My system required I put something in that category. It suggested the same information I was putting in the Port Range area so I did that. Other than that, I've followed every step to the letter. Am I a hopeless cause? lol


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:09 am 
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Sadly to say sometimes some routers are really a pain in the ass. People never realize (heck, I didn't realize this) until they have to deal with the finer aspects of networking and that's when you can see the difference between routers.

As far as portforwarding, have you checked this page for your router? ... rindex.htm

Sometimes they have the exact model and they can tell you exactly what to put in the fields (so for example, it's going to say what to put in the local port colum).

In regards to windows firewall... i didn't quite understand what you meant. Are you saying that MTM2 doesn't show up in the windows firewall program? If it doesn't then all the port forwarding and dmz won't help because windows itself blocks any communication. So for example I have it like this (I have 3 different entries because I have it installed in 3 different places, lol)


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:15 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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As far as Windows Firewall, yes, both computers allow MTM2. I'm not sure where I confused you, but I've double checked and MTM2 is allowed through both systems. As far as my router - the site you gave me does NOT have my router. Go figure. It doesn't even have a list that CLOSELY resembles it. It's a Netgear GS608. THERE'S NO "G" IN THE LIST!! Heh. Slayer's smashing idea is starting to sound good at the moment.


EDIT - On that site it does say that if my router isn't listed to try using the settings on the DG814 but when I click that link it gives me a list of games and MTM2 isn't on that list.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:14 pm 
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MTM2 isn't on that website. But it's meant to see how other games require their settings and then use the values from

Either way, the problem with using DG814 as reference is that there is no local port for DG814 so that doesn't work.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:20 pm 
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So I just tested this. Here is my setup:

Hosting computer:

Win 10
Port forwarding enabled as online connect page says.
Connected through LAN cable

Joining computer:

Win 8.1
No port forwarding and no dmz (this is because I know my router is reliable, I have been able to join games without changing settings while others have not been able to do that)
Connected through WiFi
Used the internal IP of the host computer.
Works even with external IP

So if you try and emulate that and it doesn't work, it might simply be the case of your router being at fault.

One more question: Since I see that your router is a LAN switch, do you have any wifi? What is the exact network set up? Is it "modem>LAN switch"? And if yes, is the modem also a wifi box or no?

The reason I am asking is that I have run into the situation, twice, where people had a gateway (modem +wifi in one box) and then another router plugged into that gateway. The problem is that the gateway acts as a router and the router acts... as a router, obviously, and once that happens there are problems with internal communication. When it's only a modem (with no wifi and one single ethernet connection) then it's simply a pass through modem which won't affect anything and allows the router to do all the internal communication.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:47 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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The router isn't Wifi but yes, the modem is partially Wifi. I connected the Win8.1 ONLY through the WiFi (which I noticed changed the local IP) but the Win10 computer still never showed any sessions under the "Step 2" box. It also didn't work in reverse when the Win10 computer was the host. I think I've reached a give up point. Which is frustrating because we'd played it together before. I'm not sure what we changed to now screw that up. Perhaps I need a whole new router? I don't know.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:33 pm 
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In my post I forgot to mention, though Win 10 is connected through LAN, it is connected to the same router that does WiFi and LAN.

Are you connecting both your computers using the modem or using the LAN switch? Or are you connecting one using the modem (WiFi) and one using the LAN switch?

There's a problem in your set up. If the modem acts as a WiFi it means it's also a router. The LAN switch is also a router so you are having a router connected to a router which is why the computers won't see each other. Try connecting both to the modem and then do the port forwarding on the modem for whichever computer you want to use as a host.

Before, did it used to work even though you had the same internet set up?

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:34 am 
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Hey, I'll haven't been on here in a few days but I'll try my 2 cents here why not..

If both computers are plugged into the same router, or the same modem, (whichever), if they're both plugged into the same device, they should at least be able to ping each other using their internal IPs correct? If that's the case, they should be able to play MTM2 multiplayer using LAN option, or TCP/IP option using internal IPs maybe, without needing to forward ports or do DMZ. Because if you can share files/folders across the computers without a problem and ping each other, they see each other fine..then if MTM2 doesn't work, then maybe it's a firewall of some kind or something holding them back. If that's the case, it's usually the very first time the game tries to make a connection that windows asks for permission via the firewall, and if the game is open, you don't really notice it because the game is open..So when you try to connect with LAN option and it doesn't work, minimize the game and see if there's a window open that you have to click "Allow", if not, then at least it was a shot..oh well, I tried.

Hey come to Voobly Monster Truck Madness 2 room Sunday night around 8:30 p.m est., we'll see if we can get you working.. *hint Fila* show him the way :)

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:14 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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Okay, I made sure that the two computers running MTM2 were connected only to the modem. Just to make absolutely certain, I unplugged the power from my router and both systems still had internet access. I have port forwarding set on my Win10 comp and the Win8 will still not show any sessions available on the multiplayer screen. I've tried using the internal IP of the Win10 comp - nothing. I've tried leaving the box blank to search - nothing. I've tried using the computer name of the Win10 comp - nothing.

Let me ask this. Just to make sure the patch updates worked properly, what version should I see in the "About Monster Truck Madness 2" option under help? I have "2.00.42 MMX" on both systems. Is this the correct version? I know the patch was supposed to correct some problems with multiplayer so I want to make sure they're both properly patched.

Hey come to Voobly Monster Truck Madness 2 room Sunday night around 8:30 p.m est., we'll see if we can get you working.. *hint Fila* show him the way :)

Sorry, I have to be in bed around 5 pm my time because I work a really early shift, so I won't be able to join you there. Thanks for the offer though.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:43 am 
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Yeah 2.00.42 mmx is the right patched version.

Well... it sounds like either you might be missing something (though I wouldn't know what that is, it's always a bit difficult troubleshooting over the internet) or it's simply down to hardware issues as some routers/modems are simply better made than others (as in, the software they are running is better programmed).

What brand is the modem? Also... you wouldn't happen to have oovoo or something like that? It's an internet phone type of thing.

As a last resort, you can download this program. COPE uses it to check his ports so it is safe.

You can use that to check the ports mentioned on this website (use it for the hosting machine first). If they all come across as open then it means the hosting machine is visible. Try then on the joining machine, if it says they are open on the joining machine as well... then I've got no clue what to do.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:58 pm 

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Well, I ran the program on the Win10. All ports seemed open. I checked all of the single range ports (I wasn't going to check all 100 of the 2300-2400. I just did 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2400, and 2399) I didn't check the Win8 computer. I'm pretty sure that if I switched the port forwarding to the Win8 then checked the ports I'd get the same result. It's fairly obvious that, for some mutant reason, our setup doesn't allow us to play. I said that it had worked before, but that was probably three years ago. Since then we've gotten new computers, added landline phone service through our cable internet company (therefore received a new modem) and added new systems to the network (new computers and new gaming consoles) so I've gotten new routers with more ports to accommodate the extra hardware. There's no way I can remember what setup I was using when MTM2 "worked." I guess this one goes in the unsolvable category. Thanks for the help, though.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:17 pm 
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By the way, I have seen a few routers, including my parents dlink, that had a weird option that blocked computers from seeing each other. It was called something like block LAN discovery, and it was turned on.

Anyways, first test yourself by entering ip and verify that your own game shows up in the list.
Do that on both machines, this proves your networking is working.

Next, preferably grab another router, alternatively, many NICs now will understand when you plug a straight through cable into 2 computer, to switch the pins around and behave like a cross over.
Basically, bypass the router entirely.
This only works however if you set the IP addresses manually.

So on machine 1 you would set

On machine 2

In doing this, the machines will think each other is the router. This is a good trick for fast file transfers too.
Once this is set, try the game again.


 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:03 pm 
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That might be a good idea, I guess buy a crossover cable or make one, they could only do that when they want to play mtm2, and they wouldn't have any internet while playing with each other heh..and hope it would work.

 Post subject: Re: Downloaded & Installed MTM2 from but can't play
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:08 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:28 pm
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I don't fully understand what you mean by putting in IP Where do I put it in at? I'm a little lost there.

But, the other thing you mention - you mean taking a straight (or crossover) networking cable and connect the computers to each other directly? I can see how that would work for some instances, but how would it work for MTM? I don't have a LAN option in Multiplayer and I don't know what IP I would need to tell the joining computer to use.
Unless that's the:
"So on machine 1 you would set

On machine 2
that you mentioned. Is that it?

Or would I leave the box blank and allow it to "search" for a session?

they wouldn't have any internet while playing

That's fine. We'd be doing a recording for our YouTube channel anyway so we wouldn't need or want the Internet. Less chance of interruptions.


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