When I first started racing, I used chace far view, but I always felt detached from my truck, and could not read a track the way I needed to to be competitive. So I switched to full-screen cockpit view, and found what I was looking for. And I think that has alot to do with my 5 years of real life racing. Were you are not driving your race car from the air looking down on the rear of it. You are in the seat, feeling every bump. And you use your body to sence how the race car is handling, and how to adjust your driving to make it through a race like that, and to know what adjustments you need to make.
And when I'm racing MTM2, its the same thing. With full screen cockpit, I get a total feel of what my truck is doing, and know how to react when the truck gets out of control, or how to get through diffrent track segments. And being in cockpit, gives you a sence of a more realistic speed that you are traveling. I find myself more responsive to steering a truck at speed more in cockpit view, than with chace far, it tends to give me the feel of slow motion.
Jumper and others do have very vaild points on a few of the downfalls of cockpit view, with big air jumps, and knowing were your competitors are at. But for me, thats what makes it challenging and more fun for me. It makes you more aware of your surroundings, and the racers around you for me. As in chace far, you know were your competitors are if there close, but in cockit, all you have is your map, and I can read were my competiors are at, and what line there going to take to try and pass me, by there posistion on the map as opposed to mine.
And when it comes to big air, off camber jumps with cockpit view, it makes it more challenging ='ing more fun. I have developed a system that works very well for me. When you know ur going to be hiiting a big jump, and you get crooked in the air, I take my wheel and turn it the oppiside angle of what my horizon, (backdrop) is, for instance if your horizon if tilted to the left, i turn my wheel to the right, and vice-versa. And whatever the angle of my horizon is (left or right) is the same amout I turn my wheel in the oppisite direction, and it works 99% of the time, but you always have terrian diffrences that can throw that , but after drving a track a few times, you can adjust accordingly.
And thats another thing I love cockpit view for, is seeing the terrain, and the bumps close up, and alot of the times on bumpy tracks, I put either my left side or right side tires right on the track "Seams" (were the eleveation changes you can see a small line, not texture seams, well not always hehe)to navigate the tough spots faster.
But I do still use Chace far, with the hat tipped up a tad, in drag leagues. It makes judging the turing pole alot easier, as you normally get a 5 second penalty for hitting them with your tires. And on the rare accasions I do rumble, I also Chace far. And I have been using Chace far in track making for better terrain view, and to sence what other people would feel if they were driving my track, and try to find a happy medium that would suit a non cockpit racer and a cockpit racer.