^ hehe, good one Cope.
Hey Charles.
Firstly, very nice work on the menu pictures lately bud.
Now, I actually downloaded and tried this track in time to post the first response, but I didn't take the time or effort to do so until now. Still, my first thoughts were that this <i>terrain</i> was great, that it was probably my favorite that you've made so far, and that the track was as close to being a non-beta as anything you've posted. Apart from missing checkpoints and a few model problems I was thinking it was pretty well ready to roll. I didn't like the look of or the abundance of the concrete blocks, but after a few laps I thought I could some see the reasoning for them - providing driving obstacles as well as general shortcut prevention.
Driving through again now I find I like the blocks even less, my truck does get hung up on them (thanks to sloppy driving) but more than that I think they're ugly (gritty industrial seems out of place in a national park), and there is just too many. If they were simply retextured they'd probably look better, though there are still too many. I agree with Rep Fan that they've become clutter in many places and that so many are not needed. One thing I can say is that since you used so many you did choose a good, simple model, in the sense that it is not too complex, because using that many natural 'rocks' would surely ruin framerates.
I have no complaints about the terrain, overall I like it. Except for the lake bed you cross over, you should at least lower it about one notch because the "tide" effect of the water makes dry land appear half the time - which happens to look ugly to me, aside from the fact that it's a speed advantage half the time.
I did notice the non-facing trees. Here's a tip: NEVER place any trees until you've selected the ones you're sure you want to use, then place one in the track and set it's properties (non-collide facing), then and only then copy and paste it around. Pasting trees that haven't been set properly is bad news and creates too much fix-it work later. In short, never paste trees without being sure of their properties.
I have not analyzed the checkpoint placment, but at a glance many seem unnecessarily close together. I would also suggest you use moveable models to mark them during develoment, rather than textures, it just seems like you make a lot more work for yourself to go back in to find and paint the right textures, especially if you keep changing checkpoint locations.
>> Got rid of the trimming of dirt around the ponds, ugly ugly it was.
Although imperfect I thought it looked pretty good, and added some visual variety. Plus, I understand how much compromise is necessary in making these tracks, and how textures don't always work with the coarseness of the terrain. I figure making tracks for this game is really about 'sketching' and suggesting reality, not matching it - there are just too many limitations to work within. It's for that very reason that I really don't complain about texture 'seams' and non-blends to those who aren't making their own from scratch. They are frequently necessary because the only way to avoid them is to invest great labor in making customs ones (which can also up the texture count to unacceptable levels), or to simply lessen the possibilities by removing whole sets that don't match - and I firmly believe that possibilites and variety is more important than visual perfection. (For example, "Wilderness" thumbs it's nose at <i>all</i> the rules, and rules.)
Generally speaking, I pretty well agree with most things in Cope's first report.
>> Give the track a variety of appearance that will make the different spots in the course identifable.
I agree with that from Phin, apart from the terrain the track is too "samey" everywhere, something I've never much liked, especially in long tracks. However, a few unique models here and there (already planned) would probably fix that up. It's nice to have a track split into visually distinct regions
>> I think you'll find opinion runs pretty high in the beta forum, on all fronts, but that's probably as it should be. Gives a fella choices. But see, <b>choice is what it's all about and making deliberate decisions</b>.
Quite true, that.
Charles, you've requested a repaint for the barrier (as well as a possible adaptation). You still interested, or have any ideas?
A good texture source:
http://perso.club-internet.fr/lemog/lem ... res01.html
Entirely apart from this topic...
As for 'betas', different people want different things, and thus could post their work at any stage of development. I figure the burden is on the author to define what it is they'd like in terms of help or feedback. If they don't then it can be waste of time for testers, who may end up putting forth effort unnecessarily.
>> the thought crossed my mind.... making a thread that outlines a few basic beta concepts
That reminds me, in the past I'd thought about proposing the idea of a "beta checklist" for track makers, to Mal in fact, since he's been such an impressive one man beta-less production company. The idea being to make a formal list of things to check before <b>finally</b> releasing a track (like making sure texture types are set properly), useful even to pros. I never thought hard about it though.
Check this out:
Procedure for uploading a beta track (that Wint guy made some very good suggestions)