re: BinEdit 2k/c
these are my current notes, bug fixes, future updates... the top 5 are holding back a release, the remainder are most likely slated for later versions.
<strike>Name, BinEdit v2.0.0
update links, help/about,, </strike>
<strike>keep 'Add Faces' open until finished</strike>
<strike>restore positive axis balls (shapes?) (working out a bug)
rotation axis incorrect
prefs, apply real time
browse bins windows close button
Open/Model with 'open in active window' checked negates the ability to minimize maximized windows
Flip/Rotate and Model tabs, side by side on texture tools window
animated textures, when moving the texture higher or lower in the sequence, the name disappears from the list,
save as,
the prompt when saving the texture list to a file Models/write textures to textfile should save with a .lst or .txt extension...
binmapper, store vertice coordinates in relationship to texture display</strike>
flat shading and light source (add gradual shading, vertex to vertex instead of polygon to polygon?)
<strike>A button on the toolbar to toggle mapping window open
Select vertex group based on selected faces</strike>
<strike>Rotate, resize vertex group (after inserting)</strike>
<strike>cycle through selected groups (faces and verts), feature (similar to the N key stroke that will cycle through the verts of a selected polygon)</strike>
Set vertex group to plane, verts selected, set them all to the same coordinate so they form a perfectly flat surface, x y or z... Set all selected verts to zero or enter a numerical value.
<strike>when mapping to an animation, the display goes all can see the work area through the mapping window, ... a suggestion would be to make frame 1 in the sequence the texture we see, or do like OP did and blank out the mapping window when the animation is selected
Reopen animations for subsequent edits. Sometimes the speed is the only thing that needs changing, yet we have to redefine it from scratch</strike>
save as backdrop function, select all faces/set face type to mtm transparent/set group magic number/save as backdrop/deselect all faces.
<strike>function, remove "collapsed faces" from a BIN model... When one does a vertix-merge in Binedit, sometimes many faces collapse into dots or lines if the merge distance is large enough. Dots are faces (polygons) with all corners connected to one vertix (a point in 3D space),...Lines are faces connected to 2 vertices.... Face/Delete collapsed/ enter editor units '#' space value, default zero.</strike>
it's reported that Binedit is causing a problem with menus in other programs which makes them all blank... Another thing this does is cause the game to cough up an 'unable to switch to full screen mode' message. A reboot fixes it. (i have not seen either of these yet in win98) (may be isolated to winXP/geforce3 cards)
generate generic shapes... sphere, cylinder, cone, square... 2D (flat) triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon etc.
import/export .3ds
<strike> ctrl/arrow 3rd axis rotation (done) needs reset button.
texture/x shift key command? (lost it)
ctrl/shift/A, select all vertices</strike>