I'm reminded of another command line program I posted a tip for, <a href=http://forum.mtm2.com/~forum/pages/Forum8/HTML/000471.html>here</a> (08-11-2001 07:03 PM). Here are the relevant principles that can apply equally to Binnamer:
<font color=aqua>Put slice60.exe in the Windows or the Windows\Command folder, it will then be available from ANY folder ANYwhere on your hard drive! Thus no need for long and complicted command lines with all kinds of relatives paths to type. As was suggested on the front page:
http://mtm2.com/~mtmg/slice60/ Then put your .TGA file in it's own working folder, to keep things tidy.
...Tell you what, there is no real need to open a DOS window, you can type your command line in notepad and save it as a batch file in the same folder as your texture. Open notepad and type this:
slice60 dpe.tga /ixy
Then save the file as "whatever.bat" in the same folder as your texture. .BAT is an executable file type that runs DOS style command lines, one command per line, double-click your .BAT file and it will do the work as if you were there at the command line yourself. </font>