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 Post subject: Masked Men
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:38 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:01 pm
Posts: 59
You Guildfolk are a mystery to me. You know a heck of a lot about the inner workings of MTM2, but I never see you in the Zone.

Do you play under screen names that are different from your Guild identities?

Do you tend to play EVO instead? (I know nothing about EVO other than that it is a more detailed MTM2, if a bit less exciting as a game.)

Or do you not really play much? I understand that Rep Fan just has fun making his creations and raking in kickbacks from Team SLO ;o)

I don't want you to post anything here you don't want known. If you have secret identities in order to play in peace, I can understand that.

I was just curious. Maybe I'm blind. I just thought it'd be nice to bend bumpers with you now and then, and maybe buy you an E-beer.

Clawfford, the Big Red Cat

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:12 am 
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I used to play a lot when I started almost 4 years ago, but I gradually drifted more into the modeling world rather than trading paint. Heaven knows, I ran hundreds of races/rumbles. As my skills improved, I found that I enjoyed the construction more than the competition.

One reason I stopped playing MTM2 online was the proliferation of High-speed connections (DSL and cable). When I play against one of these members on my 56k modem, they seem to have superior performance. In rumbles, hitting them is like running into an immovable brick wall, and when my truck contacts one of their's in a race, my truck usually gets slapped off the track, while they continue on unaffected.

<center><IMG SRC="" border=0><B>
ZOtm_BigDOGGe unmasked</B></center>

- BigDOGGe's Boneyard ...The Best Custom Trucks in MTM2 -

<font size=1>Edited by ZOtm_BigDOGGe (17-03-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 11:20 am 
You Gonna Eat That?
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I love to race, in fact... I run MTM2 almost 5+ times a day. I love it. I don't do much racing online though, not anymore anyway. I used to go on there all the time. But after awhile, it just started to get filled up with Draggers or Rumblers, and no one wanted to race anymore.

Now days, racing is making a comeback. I couldn't be happier, but now I just don't have the time to get on there at all. I swing by there once in awhile, but it all seems like a huge Chatroom. Guys trading links to sites, and just general'. They talk alot of trash, which I enjoy, but it just seems to be filled up with the kind of people I'd rather not associate with.

I've raced a couple times on there where some guys wanted a piece of me, so obliged them, and blew their doors off, and they all left the race early. If I don't get any of that stuff, I always am getting guys asking me to make them something. So I just avoid it.

I do still go on there to chat with people, but I almost never race anymore online. I just do it here at the homestead.

Besides, I don't wanna get in a race and with the SLO guys, and really see how they treat all my hard work! lol

Just Kiddin'

Replica Fan's Garage

<font size=1>Edited by Rep Fan (17-03-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:01 pm 
<a href=000005.html>000005.html</a>

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:07 pm 
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You'll both be happy to hear there's a lot of good racing going on, think i've been racing more than ever lately. Get our track lists and show up, we have ppl of all levels and many 56k's also. Few crashes can be blame on 56k modems but generally speaking it's working not to bad at all. Drivers errors are still the most common cause of crashes. hehehe gotta laugh about it, We all been there. We'll be happy to cya in there with us Rep.

As for phin and Mal's status i'll leave it to them to anser that one.

Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:52 pm 
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Yea, I'm with BDogge, stuck with a 56k. Good enough for everything but playing online games, downloading people's stupid flash intros, and aquiring a backup of my site.
SO most of those things i avoid or at least put off.

But yea most of the guys on the zone arent as nice as the guys on the forums.

Visit my site

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:21 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:01 pm
Posts: 59
Awww... I think you're just makin' excuses now. lol! Sure, there are plenty of idiots in the Zone, but just as many nice guys too. Put a lock on your room and set your ZoneFriends list to only receive ZMs from friends.

I'm 56K myself, and I have never experienced any "immovable" trucks. In fact, the broadband guys complain more about us 56Kers because we lag and ghost more than they do! They charge us, and we pop out of existence and reappear elsewhere! Muahahahaha! And the broadband guys seem to get targeted by hackers more often too. Our slow connections make it impractical for the bad guys to bother with us much. (My only problem is the various "Rumble Packs" and "Always Podded Lists"... it would take FOREVER to download all that!)

I'm not the best at races, but I don't **** either, and I still enjoy them. I only wish my regular crowd ran them more often. I have a LITTLE racing competition amongst my buds, but not much. Come on out, introduce yourself, and I'll be glad to eat your dust - I'm a good loser! (Team "GLO"?)

Clawfford, the Big Red Cat

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 4:27 am 

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There goes the censor-bot again, bleeping out a little word that isn't offensive.

If I can't say "I don't **** ", then let's just say I'm not bad. It can't take offense at that, can it? (It didn't get bleeped in the preview.)

Clawfford, the Big Red Cat

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:02 am 
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Yeah, before I knew Mal, Wk, Phin, BigDOGGe, and of course, my man RepFan, I used to wonder how it is they gave all this support to a game they didn't take part in. It made absolutely no sense to me, as I'm sure it doesn't to others. You, Clawford, make race tracks, yet you say you're not a racer. My guess is the drive/desire comes from within, maybe to some extent out of loyalty to the game. The MTM community has changed dramatically over the years, but still, the heart of it remains very much intact, and from where I'm standing much of that I attribute to guys like yourself, and especially the five guys mentioned above.

Hehe admittedly I still sometimes try to coax Mal, Phin, and RF out of "the lab" to run a few with us...just for the fun of it. But in truth I very much respect their choice to provide support for this game, and the people that play it in the manner they feel best suites them. Can I relate to it directly? In some ways, yes...but I'm very much an active player, yet I try to lend a supporting hand in ways that best suites me.

LOL I'm not trying to speak for them...least of all that's not my intent. I guess that's just how I see it. I would genuinely welcome any of them (and of course, you too, Claw) to race with us because we always have a great time. There's lots of chatter (via text & Roger Wilco) that takes place during and in between races, and often times that's more than half the fun - interacting with others. Then of course there's the dramatic finishes and the horrific wrecks that kinda tops everything off lol.

Anway...there's no pressure or expectations levied upon any of these "masked men". The door is always open, however. Image

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (18-03-2003)</font>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:24 am 

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Posts: 59
Roger Wilco?

I tried that a few years back with Diablo, and it didn't work too well. Does it do okay with MTM2? That's one advantage of rumbles... more chance to type messages while you're flying through the air! ;o)

Would the additional program running in the background tax my 56K?

Clawfford, the Big Red Cat

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:52 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
> You Guildfolk are a mystery to me.

There's no mystery. Pull up a chair and stay a spell. You'll soon see.

> Do you play under screen names that are different from your Guild identities?

Me? Never!

> Do you tend to play EVO instead?

Say that again and we'll take away your catnip.

> Awww... I think you're just makin' excuses now.

The zone isn't eveybody's cup of tea.

> I used to wonder how it is they gave all this support to a game they didn't take part in.

I can't speak for anybody else, but I don't give support to anything. At least not in the way you mean it. Taking part in a game is the only thing I do. Yes, and don't even think about arguing with that one. A few people have had the audacity to try and label this a fan site. It is not. It's a hobby site. The game is it's focus. Yes, there's a difference.

> The MTM community has changed dramatically over the years

People come and people go (I could list a hundred people I've spoken with many times, and hundreds whose posts I've read but never spoken to, and hundreds more whose tracks or trucks I've driven, and hundreds more I've heard of but never spoken to nor read anything they may or may not have posted), but the game is the same.

> I still sometimes try to coax

Time, and off line demands, seldom permit. When that changes, there'll be no need to coax.

And while people like to reminisce about old days with a nostalgic longing, I rather focus on today. Rep Fan and BigDogge are as important, for me, today, as say Inky or Garret would've been a few years ago. And HotShoe, and DkriderX, and Clawfford, and Demi and a slew of others who are just catching the track making bug. And guys like mike204 (and hush Sir James) and alpine who're still doing things after a long absence. And the guys like Drive2Survive, Wint, Malibu350 who span it all. And Slick and Robby and Demon and Xtreme and Bull, tho drags may not be your thing. And ch_2005 who keeps pluggin' away with those utilities. And OP and Rich Jr too. And what about cope and jump, eh? We haven't seen racers step outside the box since adoob started doing nascar. Props where there due, right?

Uh... what was the question again, lol.

Oh yea, masks. I think that clarifies it all but for that malibu350 guy. I still have no idea who that dude is.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 12:36 pm 
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LOL I knew that was coming lmao! Ok Phin, have it you're way; you take part in this game. There. I love semantics, too lol.

PS - Works great in MTM2, Claw. As for it taxing your game due to a 56k connection, it doesn't seem to bother other ppl who connect via dial-up. Give it a go!

<font size=1>Edited by SLO_COPE (18-03-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:39 pm 
easy company
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>>You Guildfolk are a mystery to me. You know a heck of a lot about the inner workings of MTM2, but I never see you in the Zone

When I first began playing this game it was all online at the zone or at least 90% of it was, the only off line stuff I did were some practice laps and the beginnings of tinkering with editing tracks and models during the first couple of years.

>>Do you play under screen names that are different from your Guild identities

nope, cept for some old team prefixes... no secret identity here, if I'm at the zone you'll see the same name you see here... lol just ask cope, the last time I popped into the zone he asked me if I was lost rofl, I wasn't lost just curious to see if people actualy raced there again... :o)

>>... do you not really play much?

a day rarely goes by without playing the game, just not online anymore... I could go on and on with some boring stories, really I could lol but in a nutshell a large chunk of friends left for various personal reasons and for other games so I eventualy just lost interest in the online aspect and got more into the inner workings of the game which is a whole different world but a lot of fun as well.

The best way to describe where I'm coming from at this point in time is how Phin put it, as a hobby, and I believe it rings true with many others as well like the tracksville dude, the janitor, link, ;-), Wint, BigDOGGe, and even Oliver Pieper the man who's been here since day one, who wrote a complex program called binedit for fun along with a few other key mtm utilities, injecting life and the ability to create for the common mtm joe like myself and many others, and who has recently fired up yet again to produce a trackview program that'll rival anything yet seen... and then there's rich jr (aka malibu349) who's never once even played this game in any way shape or form but is rebuilding OP's binedit and is very close to a new release that'll surely encourage many new editors to create who will in turn provide more reasons for racers to race.

the guildfolk, as you put it may seem a mystery, but we're not and should'nt be, we're the mechanics behind the scenes that want to help push the game as far as it can go from the inside out, and there's no end in sight thanks to a gaming community at large that works well together for a common goal, fun... mtmc4fun

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 9:32 pm 
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< chunk of friends left for various personal reasons and for other games so I eventualy just lost interest in the online aspect and got more into the inner workings of the game which is a whole different world but a lot of fun as well.

Hehe Now that's what i call a die hard type guy.

Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:24 pm 
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Hehe. For a long time (back when i first met these "heroes") i kept wanting to suggest them to come online and race but i pretty much gived it up. I don't remember anymore if i ever asked Phin or not.

Ah... great times, peace and quite used to be around here. There wasn't any trash talking (aka Cope).

"In my restless dreams, I see that town, Silent Hill..." - Mary, Silent Hill 2

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:19 am 
Glow Ball
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> I don't remember anymore if i ever asked Phin or not.

You didn't. But be forewarned, I don't do tracks with blind hills and corners Image

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 6:44 am 
You Gonna Eat That?
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Even that "Roger Wilco" is pretty high tech to me. I can't proceed to kick bootie, and type smack at the same time. One or the other, seperately, I'm very good at.

I'll have to head over there some night, and trade paint for a few laps. We'll have to see. It'll be cutting into my "Beer" schedule, but I suppose I could show up one of these days.

I think it's funny how I'm considered a part of the MTMG. I just answer questions, and give help where needed. But Phin, Mal, WK, D2S, BD, etc. all have been here alot longer than me. But thanks for the consideration. They are all the one's that deserve most of the credit.

I, like everyone else here, wants to see this game continue to grow. It's still my favorite, and hopefully it will be around for MANY years to come.

By "etc" I mean the guys, that everyone seems to forget about...
Alpine, Beek, Psyco, Sleeper, Oliver, King Dave, Guitar Bill, Hac, and anyone else I can think of. Without these guys, we wouldn't be still doing this.
Replica Fan's Garage

<font size=1>Edited by Rep Fan (19-03-2003)</font>

<font size=1>Edited by Rep Fan (20-03-2003)</font>

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 7:03 am 
Glow Ball
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I think it's funny how I'm considered a part of the MTMG. I just answer questions, and give help where needed.

I don't find it unusual that the question only mentioned "You Guildfolk" yet you had no hesitation to pipe in with your views. There has never been an application and membership process. Answering questions and helping to 'raise the standard' has been the only objective, and anybody who does that is more than a welcome member of this site.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 2:51 pm 
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My reason for not attending is simple. I have XP and this built in firewall ( i think it is) is preventing me from connecting. I even had a hard time trying an IP race. I did get into a network game with +DakotaSky tho... that was fun. Talk about minimizing latency!

Anyway, lots of fun for editors was driving their newly released works online with others. I can't count how many Hyper Finale runs I've done with rumblers and I wasn't even a big rumble fan but everyone liked it and I had it podded. It was very hard to keep up with what the majority had podded so I stuck with new releases or the advertised tracks. Many times, I was the one advertising...

>> I'll have to head over there some night, and trade paint for a few laps. We'll have to see. It'll be cutting into my "Beer" schedule, but I suppose I could show up one of these days.

What I think we need is to vote on a guild night in the zone. Even if its to show up and BS with the buds, at least we'll see many familiar faces. I'll have to work indepth with someone on how to get my game to connect for me to drive online though, and it may be difficult with this puter being networked and +DakotaSky being zoning too.

As for appearing under a different name, my DoGGe name was 1SiqPuppy, and I've had a few others but they never stuck. I still hold onto AkA_ScubaSteve because thats a real-life knick. Other than that, I usually have Alpine and likely GZ somewhere in the name. GZ_Alpine_XP was my latest but AlpineGZ is the one I go in with if looking for familiar faces.

Car down low! Car down low... Clear low!
- Alpine #23<IMG SRC="" border=0>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2003 8:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2003 2:01 pm
Posts: 59
My reason for not attending is simple. I have XP and this built in firewall ( i think it is) is preventing me from connecting.


No problem!

To turn off your XP firewall, RIGHT-click your connection icon and select PROPERTIES. In the window that pops up, click the ADVANCED tab. You only have one box to uncheck now, so I'll leave it to you to figure things out from here! ;o)

I have 2 copies of my connection, called "Copper.Net (No Firewall)" and "Copper.Net (Firewall)". I sign on using the "No Firewall" connection when I play MTM2, and the "Firewall" connection at all other times.

(My monster truck has an Alpine stereo system, of course...)

Clawfford, the Big Red Cat

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