> How many of these have you held?
Previous contests and expo
http://mtm2.com/~mtmg/contests/summer99/ http://mtm2.com/~mtmg/contests/dec99/ http://mtm2.com/~mtmg/contests/expo2000/> Will circuit races, rallies, etc
Because of the unpredictability of what we can expect to see, it's pretty hard to anticipate what people will do and hence we could waste a lot of time inventing categories that will never get used. Instead, we've always tried to remain free flowing and roll with what comes. This is not to suggest we 'make it up as we go' but rather try to be fair and considerate to all within the limits of what is reasonably possible to do. Also, imposing categories is a deterrent to creativity. We've come up with an objective. You don't need more cramping than that.
> I assume I can't participate as a beginner.
After fifty repaints, I think that would be a safe assumption
> But I couldn't make a truck completely from scratch if ...
We all begin somewhere. The purpose of this expo is to get people to try things they wouldn't otherwise try. You never know what you're capable of until you try. And more, to discourage shyness. Even if something doesn't turn out the greatest thing in the world, first steps count and are nothing to be ashamed of. The more we have, the better for the game... and you never know what will inspire somebody else. It's all good.
> could you have an "amateur" level for advanced repaints or moderate modifictions of existing truck models?
Ugh! There's the topic again. Okay, here's the thing. We've been discussing this into the ground and I still haven't seen the ideal way to fit this in. I'm open to suggestion but just haven't heard the perfect plan yet. If anybody can come up with an idea how we can include customs without discouraging the more advanced work, I'm all for it.
> Can we enter tracks that have been around awhile but have never been entered in an expo?
If the track is posted on a site anywhere in the universe, the answer would have to be no. The idea is to create new things, and particularly created for this purpose. However, you describe an unfinished track that you'd return to for the expo. That would be perfectly fine since it's not even finished yet and hasn't been released.
> If so, can I enter my first-ever track release in the rookie competition even though I'm now an old pro? ;o)
If you mean your traxx school project, this is an interesting question. I'm tempted to say, if you don't mind showing it off, yes, why not, especially if it will help others see what they can do too and where everybody begins. There is benefit in that, and that's why I let my traxx school thing hang around. Of course, if you entered an advanced track you should be able to accept the idea that it wouldn't be fair to other beginners to expect to walk away with all honors in all categories. The other thing here is that we'd be kinda working on the honor system. ie. that it truly is the first one. It would be very easy for any of us to put together a snappy little oval that outshines a newb who's struggling. There wouldn't be much purpose in that.
> Or does our entry have to be made specifically for the Expo before we release it to the general public?
In an ideal world, this is what we want.
> Is this really a judged competition of sorts?
> If so, who does the judging? Or does everyone who participates vote online? Is there a prize (entry posted in a place of honor, entry featured in an upcoming Fast Lane event, website link posted in a prominent place, making everyone yell "NORM!" when entering the Zone, a SLO T-shirt, etc.) or is it all for bragging rights?
LOL. Nothing has been carved in stone yet. Voting online doesn't work, so we won't do that. In the past we've had a knowledgable panel with wide ranging interests to be sure of the best possible outcome. That system has served us well and I'm leaning toward that again. However, expanding it to include those who enter is not unreasonable, provided it's agreed entries are not allowed to vote for their own creation. Without that stipulation we're no further ahead than if entries don't vote. Also, all balloting is private/secret so judges do not succumb to the influence of other judges. This is one area I've prided myself on, keeping things as fair and as objective as is humanly possible.
Prizes will be the very last thing figured out. Right now, we're working strictly from the expo point of view. Things get made because a) we agree to work on a common idea, b) the pleasure of exhibiting the work together, c) participating in a community of track makers, d) addressing, for the purpose of highlighting, a particular aspect of track making, e) the fun of it. If that is not enough incentive for a maker, then I'm afraid s/he'll find no prize we could offer would be satisfactory anyway. We're not microsoft or a big company or a bank. An honor entries get is permanently hosted by the mtmg. It may not be the biggest whoop-de-doo in the world, but we've not backed down on that one yet and it's been four years. As for fastlane events, several of the contest tracks have been featured in tourneys. Those guys are always looking for new tracks and they scour what turns up here. It's never been planned; it just worked out that way. However, with copey hanging around, you never know, the prospects are good. The winners have always gotten a link on the mtmg front door. Every time. Glory in the zone is beyond me. I still don't know what makes that place work, lol. Slo t-shirt? What's slo? This is mtm2.com and the mtmg. Rhino tracks, if you will. Since copey's appeared on the scene and set a new standard in track reviews, slo is prominently visible in the forums; however, this is not a team site. That's not a bad thing, I'm glad cope and jumper and fila and co. are around, and if they donate t-shirts, we'll send them out
And we all love bragging rights. But we like to try and give a bit more than a pat on the back. We'll see we'll see.
> Where do we submit entries, and how long before the expo do we have to have them ready?
I'll make a spot. It will be ready by the opening date, and will stay available until the closing date.... which is 148 days 14 hours 25 mins 07 secs from now.
> Or is this a big get-together where everyone downloads them and tries them out in one marathon weekend?
This is the way I like to work it, and the way we did it for the first two contests (which ran without snags of any kind). The expo2000 had open downloads all the way through, but that posed problems with naming conflicts that would have best been avoided. Closing submissions allows for fixes to be made. I'm leaning toward the first idea where we open the flood gates all at once. There are many reasons for doing this, not the least of which is to prevent discouraging people from trying who see the first couple entries and then give up.
> How many entries can we make?
In the past, we've allowed one only. However, I've given this a lot of thought and I think we can make the biggest bend here. I don't think we'll limit entries at all, excepting beginner truck repaints which has already been noted.
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Clawfford E X P 0
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Good post that addressed a lot of issue.