<IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~richathr/TrackShots.jpg" border=0>
TrackShots TrackShots has been updated (Finally) after being neglected since last december
so if you are interested in seeing what a track looks like before you download it check it out i think i have most if not all that are listed in track talk.
there are currently 217 tracks listed at TrackShots which i believe are some of the best made for mtm2, you may see some that you say well maybe they arent that pretty like a ZooN or ValveJob track but the course is a blast to run so they are there too
and please please please if you know of any that are not there but you feel they should be let me know, you can leave a post here, email it or ICQ me @ 27998971
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[This message has been edited by Malibu350 (edited 13-04-2000).]