19 free custom texture sets! Three of which were the terrain textures used in "<a href=/~forum/pages/Forum1/HTML/000934.html>Wake Up!</a>"
<a href=/~trackville/textures/wkww.zip>Download</a> - 787 kb
<center><img src=/~trackville/textures/wkww.gif>
aerial view of the "pattern" layout as seen in the test pod</center>
(I may update this package in a few days, so if anyone is inclined, please hold off on redistributing it for that time period)
The 'readme':
"wkww" texture series
17 different small textures sets and 2 large texture sets.
The pod, which is drivable, contains all of the textures (512 total).
The textures can be extracted with Traxx or a pod utility.
Traxx "txp" pattern/templates are available for all sets.
Traxx "txx" has been included as well, to use a basis for creating tracks.
Note: texture types have not been set (dirt as dirt, stone as cement, etc).
Do not use all sets in a single track!
All sets have been included in one pod for initial distribution only.
The custom track palette looks worse for having all textures in one pod!
Do not judge the colors of the textures based on the driveable pod.
With only a few similar sets used in one track the colors will look their best.
If you use the TXX instead of the TXP patterns, please paint over all
unused textures before generating an optimized track palette.
Three of the small textures sets are the three used in "Wake Up!".
http://mtm2.com/~trackville/tracks/wakeup.htm Sets like these have been well used in some <a href=http://fila.teamslo.com/>SLO_Fila</a> tracks,
such as SLO Mountains, SLO Valley and Isogiashi Oka.
The two large sets are based on my own large template.
The small sets are based on my small "5x5" template.
Two of the small sets are made from a small "straights" template,
which is actually a small part of the large template.
<b> The 5x5 sets consist of a 5x5 core set of textures, rearrange these
freely, without rotating, to fit whatever terrain you need to texture.</b>
Generate a custom track palette to make the textures look their best!
In the Traxx menu: "Special" -- "Palette" -- "generate optimized palette".
Optional: optimized palettes for each individual set are in the "track palettes"
folder included in the zip, they can be loaded from the Traxx palette menu.
Texture description:
Large sets:
cobblestone on grass
herringbone brick on snow
Small "straights" sets:
herringbone brick on grass
cobblestone on snow (used in "Wake Up!")
Small 5x5 sets:
herringbone brick on snow
dirt on snow
grass on snow (used in "Wake Up!")
dark brick on snow (used in "Wake Up!")
dark stone on snow
cobblestone on snow
wood on snow
gray stone on grass
dirt on grass
wood on grass
dark stone on grass
dirt on green clover
'lava' on dark stone
dark stone on 'aqua water'
dark blue stone on snow
Use freely!
- Wint
<font size=1>
Edited by Winterkill (08-04-2003)</font>