Just a thought . . . whether you're looking for a cool racing game or if you're an old school Zone type with a lot of spare time on your hands thanks to COVID-19, download and install/dust off your old MTM-2 cd and pop into to Voobly's (looks quite a bit like the old Zone, but with a few more perks).
Don't forget to install the
Community Patch (it's nothing short of awesome), then jump over to the
Tracks page, select the drop down for "Bookmarks", pick a track list (or 4) and download the entire thing. Fila and I have quite a few of them, but whatever we don't have we'll gladly download and run with whoever wants to race!
Hope to see a few people show up. It's better than sitting around watching the news all day, which is depressing! Racing/rumbling isn't on par with a good 'ole fashioned workout, but if done properly you'll manage to burn a few calories. ;-)