Hey BD - good to see ya, bud!
There are definitely different theories with respect to fps and rumbles, how "strong" you were or not. If I recall, it wasn't the cpu speed that affected your 'manliness' (seems appropriate lol) on the cube, but rather how many fps you were cranking out. Slayer, I guarantee you if you were unmovable it's because you were on the high end of the fps scale, not the low end. You can see the effect of fps on the game if you run Dxtory, which allows you to manipulate the games's fps. Years ago N8 and I both built what we called "racing computers", machines with a P-I, P-II or similar AMD cpu, along with a bargain basement video card in order to reduce the number of fps we were getting. As a result, the game saw fewer bumps in the road, allowing for some really fast laps. Taking nothing away from the likes of GTX_Bug, RIP_Buzzz, GTX_Fly, etc., but in those days everyone was running low-end machines, and on top of that, they raced using software mode, so the game, although it looked like crap and lagged like crazy, allowed you to turn some crazy fast laps. Again, to be clear, those guys were simply super fast, highly skilled racers - no question, but when you're already getting 25 to 30 fps and you use software mode, if you can keep the truck on the road and run a flawless line, you're going to produce some really fast laps.
What Slayer said is true, and I never realized it before now because I don't use computer opponents when I race offline, but I used Dxtory to limit my fps to 25 and the computer trucks ran pretty well. Without Dxtory I'm getting above 300 fps consistently and the trucks are all over the place. I never knew anything about how fps affected the game when I started back in '99 (learned about GOLD mode in 2001 I think), but I do recall losing to the computer trucks more times than I should have, then having guys like RIP_TK laugh at me, telling me I should be ashamed of myself lol. No one had issues with the comp trucks back then because the game was running on machines it was designed for. WorpeX, if you're looking to race, come on over to Voobly's and run some with Fila and I. There are also a few other guys who drop in to race now and then. ;)