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 Post subject: Photo textures?
PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2000 4:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 19
Hi there guys,

Just wondering if there are any tracks out there that use photo texturizing?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2000 4:44 pm 
yup, try The Moors by ValveJob

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2000 9:49 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2000 2:01 pm
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Location: USA
Also Heart Break Cove and MTMA Heartbreak by SRT_World

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2000 2:47 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
Just to add my two cents. Yep, the Moors is a good example. In fact, most of ValveJob's recent tracks have at least some phototexturing in them.

But the main concern (for terrain) is that you can't just drop in an aerial photo of city streets. The texture limit in the game really cramps the area you can cover. If you use the maximum number of textures to form a square, you end up with something a little larger than an arena...which doesn't do much for a longer track.

Instead, you can use the photos as a starting point to build your base textures, then create your roads and scenery from that. Lakebed is one in particular that uses this technique to good effect. VJ was telling me about the fun he had trying to get good photos in public places ;-) Anyway, then you get them into your comp, edit them so they tile well, then use them as a base the same way you would any other texture. Lots of work, but I think the results can be worth it.

Models and trucks are phototextured all the time.

Lastly, I think there's been a few good backdrops made using phototextures. Malibu350's and Nrrivas' are good examples. Myself, when I can get some time, I'm going to play with terregon (if that's the name) a bit more. My first experiments were pretty good, so I think it'll be worth the follow up.


Rip, thanks for the generous thoughts in the other post. It's appreciated, believe me.

- Phineus

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2000 7:41 am 
easy company
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Joined: Tue Feb 29, 2000 2:01 pm
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i used photo texturing on both Rock Ridge (5 base textures)and Dire Straits (2 base textures) only because i lack the artistic talents to do it manually (ten thumbs) Image if you don't believe me take a look at Daytona Image my feeble attempt in psp.

thanks for the complement on the
backdrop Phin, and also i'll 2nd Rip's comments,. now if someone would just divulge that snail mail address Image

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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2000 9:41 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 31, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 19
Hey there guys,
Thanks for the info! Photo textures for terrain look neat in the game, don't they?VJ's tracks have a certain look to them, almost like the terrain shines. Also of note are the awesome transitions that he did, especially in Lakebed Extreme. That's impressive to say the least.

Hey Malibu, I liked Daytona!! Image

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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2000 11:39 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 477
Location: sydney,australia
Yes i've also tried photo textures before lots of my attempts are on tracks i'm making at the moment.Go to the models section on MTMG and go to custom backdrops and look for a backdrop called CITY NIGHT BACKDROP.This is taken from a photo of perth in australia i've got.Looks quite good and uses the same sought of idea as OP's dark star backdrop where the blue sky is taken away.Just take a look at the textures on the backdrop they look like a real city in the night time

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'

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