Yes Dave, I'm talking about the redraw time. I've done a fair bit of graphics work myself, and most of my stuff used at least one offscreen buffer to draw to for each update. My thought is that if OP doesn't release his old buffer handles, each one would take up a bit of memory. Using Norton System Doctor or some other similar tool, it's easy to watch the User resources fall away.
No, Phin, 640k isn't a problem with Windows. The swap files are what most memory access is handled by. The old divisions of memory don't exist anymore. There is no "upper", "high", "main" or any other kind of memory, it's all just... there. Actually ending up in the first 640k would be pretty rare for anything to do with Windows, especially because very little information is actually put in the RAM, mostly just OS information and stuff needed immediately, like onscreen dialog boxes, etc.
Keep on truckin![img]"%20width=75%20height=75%20alt="Angus's%20Smiley%20Smasher[/img]