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 Post subject: How well does trackED2 work for model positioning?
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:08 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
I remember working in trackED2 with snowbound for the features traxx hadn't supported yet (was still in beat form).

there were some views you just could not get with traxx and edit at the same time. I am curious how well trackEd works for model placement , it would save the whole trackEd3 conversion process.

if anyone knows about trackED2 and model placement I'd sure appreciate a word or two.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:36 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
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Traxx school for Tracked2

But to be honest, the keyboard enhancements for traxx should make it the equal of tracked2 for model placement, and the properties box should make it that much better. Another thing to be concerned with is that display drivers have grown to dislike tracked2, so it's 50/50 it'll even run properly.

Lastly, the conversion from tracked3/4 to mtm2 is not hard at all. I'll dig up links if you don't have them.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:48 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
I ended up getting trackED2 to work on my computer ;)

I like a few of the features there, course segments is a big one. I like how it will draw the lines the computer will take it;s a good tool for difficult courses. I am also wondering about experimenting with track width (unless it's been done in the .sit file before and I can find a good reference).

I have a few parts of the track that the ai trucks are having issues with, and I would like them to be at competitive.

My problems areas are long straights with jumps at the end, and some roads that area bit narrow. The AI's tendency to wander back at forth is a problem i would like to solve.

Some other issues are roads that travel in not quite a 45 degree angle, the turn to a right angle like so..

The trucks have a tendency to loose the path. It's not by lack of time or work..some corners are just difficult to get the ai to figure out. In TrackED2 I can identify the problem areas and visually manipulate the paths.

I've read the threads on course segments (some great documentation thanks for keeping the archives), and I am wondering if anyone had developed any more tricks/ideas/theory's with track width, and speed limit. It seems advanced course editing was investigated to a point then the thread sort of faded.

If anyone's learned anymore about course editing, I'm all ears ;)

Thanks for reading the bog old long post. As always I appreciate the input ;)


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:50 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
Those tracked2 curve segments are a good indicator but are not fool proof. I've seen many a corner where the trucks had a mind of their own quite independent of the visual segments.

The course width 'can' be a help but there will always be some swaying side to side. In the worst case scenario, two trucks would not be able to run beside each other because the lane is too narrow. Not that big a deal, really, because they can, and do, wander off anyway but something to keep in mind.

Speed is definitely a helpful factor. The trucks don't follow the speed you set with any sort of precision but it does force them to hesitate, often enough to navigate a tricky turn.

In your ascii example, try inserting a small segment right on the curve and move the ends of the exiting segments a little bit further down their respective roads.

I don't know which other topic(s) you've looked at, but here's a couple notes. If you have more to do on your track, you can always view course segments in tracked2 and adjust in traxx to match (a pain but it let's you continue working on other things after setting the course). You can't do a u-turn in the game without the extra segment inserted, no matter how tight the turn may be, or you'll get flooding and helicopter errors (this leads me to think it may help in your situation). Width and speed settings are only vaguely followed, which is probably why Bill didn't bother with them.

And lastly, how did you get tracked2 to work on a new computer? It wouldn't work on my geforce 3. I haven't tried with ati yet... because nothing works with ati anyway).

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:40 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
Thank you Phin,

I read the thread were .sit files were discussed as well as track width. You gave an example of the track twistin stadium,, and I believe the same thread talked about Zoon's idea there's a 255 segment limit.

I hadn't thought about keeping tracked open to use as a reference..that's a good idea. for the most part the computer trucks can an do keep up. The MTM2 AI was one spot I really didn't pay much attention to when I made my first tracks(shoot everyone played online), and I really wished I would have now. So I am determined to not only have the computer trucks make the lap, but give some stiff competition too.

I have a few other questions I am going to have to hit you up for.. I was reading you did some work with backdrops..maybe using more than one for a nicer look. Sooner or later I would like to do a "Dusk" track with dark textures and a custom sky.

That and the lighting. it seems there's more you can do with the lighting than Traxx allows. I would really like to delve into that too. For tracks with a lot of elevation of mountains, custom lighting done well can really add a classy touch.

as for trackED2 I messed around quite a bit before I was able to get it to run. I ended up playing around with the launch (dos) settings by right clicking on the .exe I was able to get an "out of sync" picture like an old TV with bad vertical hold ;)

Then I went into my video card settings and set scaling and color depth. This machine was really picky about how it wanted to display trackED I ended up with 16 bit color, and under scaling I turned on "center desktop" any other scaling option (stretch etc.) would just crash it. I also switched to software mode in the game itself.

I am running xp pro corporate, an atom 1.6 with 1 gig, and on board GMA 950 graphics.

I haven't tried to run it on the big laptop (needs a re-install - vista crashed due to the log on-log off spyware that's going around).

that has a 256 meg GeForce as soon as I get it up and running I'll let you know what I need to do to get it running there too.

I think anyone running an Intel motherboard with the on board graphics should be able to run tracked2. If they are running an add on Graphics card a guy should be able to hook up a second monitor to that card and get it going that way.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:42 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
Why do I always forget the last part of my posts.

Thank you Phineus. I can't say enough.. how much I appreciate your help, and your efforts for the community.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:10 am 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
here's a link to what is going on. if the picture doesn't show up hit the link below and click on the image.

The black ink is the path the y follow. It may change depending on segment placement but the result is the same.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:02 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
> the thread where .sit files were discussed ...

Oh, that one ;-)

> not only have the computer trucks make the lap, but give some stiff competition too

The rule is that there is no rule. Segments are better spaced out in some situations and seemingly too many and too close in others. I 'think' this one the comp trucks will give you a go

> you did some work with backdrops..maybe using more than one for a nicer look.

This dates back a ways. Had I known then what I've since learned, the backdrop in this one would have been way different. ... vs+bigfoot

Oh, and the rain without rain effect is pretty good

As is night without night

Lightning, on the other hand, could be a bit tricky. Not impossible, just tricky.


So yes, there are a few options rarely explored.

> as for trackED2 ... playing around with the launch (dos) settings by right clicking on the .exe ... video card settings ... 16 bit color, and under scaling I turned on "center desktop" ... I also switched to software mode in the game

Any clues for this problem?

> xp pro corporate, an atom 1.6 with 1 gig, and on board GMA 950 graphics.

I had a similar set up and could get tracked2 to run, but once in the program nothing would work... especially the courses.


Is that how it goes currently? If yes, I'd shorten #14 and put it at more of a right angle - not lots but some. Put a speed limit on #16, and move #17 more toward #18 (about halfway between 16 and 18). Maybe shorten #15 on the end part. It can be hard to tell. When you generate courses 1 and 2 from the main, you often have to tweak the ends of those too. And the path the computer trucks take can be affected by segments not even in the image. If there's a wonky corner anywhere else, the effects can show up almost anyplace. (yes, this is one spot tri improved evo, tho it takes insufferably long to set up).

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:53 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 02, 2002 2:01 pm
Posts: 130
Sorry Phin I hadn't seen this reply earlier or I would have answered sooner.

Are you having the same issue that Sewilo is with trackED2?

If so what's your hardware config and OS..I know you've probably worked on it before but I wouldn't mind lending a hand if I can, at the very least I would like to know what's causing the issue.

Is MTM2 currently running OK on your machine?

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