This was necessary to know for easy ST track conversions, and CH_2005 has since asked for the summary again but I couldn't find it. So I thought I better post it here for safe keeping.
<font face="courier new" size="+1"><pre> File Name, Value Type Grip depth
TXTURE01.RAW,101 Cement 1 TXTURE02.RAW,202 Dirt 2 TXTURE03.RAW,303 Water 3 TXTURE04.RAW,404 Mud 4 TXTURE05.RAW,505 Sand 5 TXTURE06.RAW,606 Grass 6 TXTURE07.RAW,707 Gravel 7 TXTURE08.RAW,808 Ice 8 TXTURE09.RAW,909 Snow 9 TXTURE10.RAW,1010 Metal 10 TXTURE11.RAW,1111 Wood 11 TXTURE12.RAW,1212 Rocks 12</pre></font>
If you leave a texture type set to default, it does not show up in the TTY list... even if you give it a depth.
The consensus is that this is the ideal ST setting.
<font size=1>Edited by Phineus (22-02-2003)</font>