TlathamXmahtalT wrote:
white2098 wrote:
I have no problems with anybody using my work and never will.
What about WF1?
I'm working on a new one, but...
No problems?
I tried for it to be a replica.
You said the crowd was only used FOR replicas.
This next one will be better.
And hopefully BE a replica.
Not trying to start any problems from the past up again...
I specifically explained that I don't want that used and you didn't follow my instructions, very simple. I'm sorry if you can't handle not getting what you want, but if it's such a big deal then go make it yourself instead of crying to me.
That track means a lot to me and I don't want all the parts being used from the premier monster jam event for a bunch of one day projects, no offense. It may be Vegas, but if you look at the track in 01 then you can obviously see that the stadium was very different looking from 2008.
I just want to get this across right now, I am not giving out an attitude right now. I am just typing formally and giving you my reason for why I don't want something used or if I want something fixed. Please just show a little respect for my wishes and move on from it. I've been nothing but helpful for all who play this game, yet when I ask for one thing to not be used
this site always jumps all over it like it's blasphemy.
I made the models and I textured all of it. It is my hard work and I will always have say on it and that's only with two models, Vegas and Salinas. If it is such a problem for you then please learn how to make it and better yourself instead of getting upset with the person who made his own work. It's no like I just woke up and knew how to make everything I do, I spend a ton of time and stress on everything I make.
I am not going to argue with anybody on this matter and this is my last post on the subject. Chances are this is gonna get lost in a bunch of pictures, but all well.