Hey Chad,
For your first track this is really well done. I've seen a lot of people have a harder time and not as good as a result in their first shot but your catching on well. Appearance wise track looks good. I get the feeling of the Atlanta Monster Jam when I'm inside of it. Your race cams work, your ramps for the most part work (the freestyle part 2 ramps are rather sticky). You'll find that with practice your ramps will get better and better and you'll learn tricks here and there to make them handle more like you want.
Your issue with the names has to do with naming the file "atlanta" then whatever session you've got say racing or freestyle. Many people to beat this glitch is to name tracks with special characters or abbreviations to start in order to trick the system. Examples would be: FS, MJ FS, ATL FS, etc.
Also you can merge your pods together into one pod reducing file size when you upload by using:
It's a self explanatory POD Merging Program. All the Draggers generally use it to reduce there file size.
You've got a grasp on the basics which is important keep practicing and you'll climb the track making ladder. As always post questions here and on draggers and we'll help ya out best we can!
Good luck in future projects guy!