EmceeMart, a while ago you had asked "how do ya get those nice smoothly banked curves?"... i had intended to respond to that a while back but got side tracked and forgot about it. oops
lets see,,,the easiest and quickest way that i know of is to just create a random terrain in traxx (it may take several tries before its something you want to work with) and then lay the road textures along the hillsides for banks this is what i did in rock ridge, obviously some areas i had manually altered but the best banked areas were untouched from the origional random terrain...
so basically the rock ridge road textures were built around the terrain layout,
but in Daytona the terrain was built around the track textures where it was just a flat oval then i used the slope tool to rough it out then about 100 hrs with the single point tool looking at and adjusting the banks from every concievable angle got it to where it ended up which is as good as it could get but not as good as i wanted it to be,.. the size of the grid squares + the radius of the turn + the width of the road + the angle and arc of the bank dictate how smooth it can end up, i think that it was Phineus that joked the only way to get it smoother would be to start over and first lay it out on graph paper and dust off a slide rule hehe, i think i'll just hang tight and wait till GB adds that "bank" button in traxx 1.5 before i attempt that again, i failed miserably in trig.