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 Post subject: Tracked2
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2000 5:09 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
It has recently(?) been pointed out that the tracked2 track and truck editor by Terminal Reality doesn't always do the things it's supposed to (eg. open or display). Newsflash. It doesn't work with many graphics cards. For a list of known trouble makers, please see the readme file that ships with Monster Truck Madness - if it doesn't work or only partially works with the game, it won't work with tracked. Now, two things you can also check. Tracked2 must be run from the mtm2 folder. Anywhere else and it just won't work. The other is that a new graphics card will often get things working. But that's an expensive route just to get a program running.

Hope that helps.


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2000 6:59 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2000 2:01 pm
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Location: Devizes Wiltshire England
<B>1. I have the full version of MTM
2. My friend has a pirate copy of MTM.
3. My graphics card supports all options in MTM
4. My friend has an expensive card about 100000000000000000 times better.
5. TrackED2 doesn't work in the MTM folder, Traxx folder, Program files, Temp or C:/ on either of our PCs.
ps. I got trackED2 from TRI site, hacman's site and another d/l site.

Yours Mentally

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2000 7:43 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
Tracked2 does not always work. I had three different computers, each with different components and configurations, but it wouldn't work on either of them. However, if you're bent on trying, get it from this site here. This copy works on "my" computer. I don't know what it will do on anybody elses.
Download Tracked2 (888k)

Good luck.

<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="3"><FONT COLOR="#2828E8">-</font><FONT COLOR="#3838E9"> </font><FONT COLOR="#4949EB">P</font><FONT COLOR="#5959ED">h</font><FONT COLOR="#6A6AEF">i</font><FONT COLOR="#7A7AF1">n</font><FONT COLOR="#8B8BF3">e</font><FONT COLOR="#9B9BF5">u</font><FONT COLOR="#ACACF7">s</font></font>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2000 1:14 am 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24

The quality of the computer has nothing to do with tracked2 compatibility. It works on some systems and not on others. It's that simple. Here's a short list based on my own first hand experience of what will and what won't work. Make of it what you will.

<center><table BORDER ><tr><td ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="#993300"><font color="#CCFFFF">Tracked2 Compatibility</font></td></tr><tr ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR="#CC6600"><td><font color="#CCFFFF">Graphics Card</font></td><td><font color="#CCFFFF">No</font></td><td><font color="#CCFFFF">Yes</font></td></tr><tr><td>ATI 3D Rage Series</td><td><center>x</center></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Diamond Monster Fusion</td><td></td><td><center>x</center></td></tr><tr><td>TNT PCI</td><td><center>x</center></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>TNT2 Ultra AGP</td><td><center>x</center></td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Voodoo3 3500</td><td></td><td><center>x</center></td></tr><tr><td>Voodoo5 5500</td><td></td><td><center>x</center></td></tr></table></center>


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2000 6:52 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 58
A quote..."Tracked 2 won't work on any PCs either too slow or too fast for the program." I heard that a loooooong time ago not too long after Tracked 2 came out. I'm running it on a 711 mhz computer, which is quite fast. I can't run it on a 166 mhz, though. How many mhz does you your computer have SIG?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2000 7:13 am 
Glow Ball
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I ran it on a 166 and I can run it on an 800. Speed has nothing to do with it. It's graphic card compatibility, pure and simple.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2000 10:40 pm 

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I got some stuff which 'might' work

hold F8 (or ctrl,F12 or whatever your computer supports) to get into the windows startup menu.

Start it up in safe mode.

It will NOT load 3d graphic drivers that boot and i think that tracked2 works with most non-3d cards. For that bott you will be 3d impaired but you may be able to use TrackEd2?

Perhaps updating your graphic drivers may fix the issues.

It may also be the monitor. try messing round with the settings. I had to change my res to 640x480 and 256 colours for it to work :C

anyway sig hope that helps.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 1:38 pm 
Glow Ball
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windows xp supplement

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 11:33 am 
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One more for your list of Videocards that are unable to display Tracked2.

I just upgraded from my Voodoo-5 5500 32-meg card to a Geforce-2 MX400 64-Meg card. I needed it to bring my system up to par so I could run Rollercoaster Tycoon-3, but I had to keep costs down (got it for $50 plus $10 mail-in rebate).

Everything seems to work fine with it, and some stuff that didn't work with the Voodoo card now run fine. I finally have tropical fish with TEXTURES on 'em, instead of those blank albino fish models....RCT-3 works well too now (it called for a minimum of a 32 meg geforce-2, so I got the 64 meg card instead for a little more muscle!)

But for some reason, it's no-go with Tracked2. When I start T2, all I get is a black picture with the following text at the top-left of the screen.

DOS/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run Time Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
Allocation Frame Buffer From DOS Memory Pool


It freezes there, and I have to control-alt-delete to get out of it.

I'm usiig C-pod to pod trucks right now, but C-pod doesn't let you see the truck to make easy ajustments to the lights and such as Tracked2 does, so if anyone has any ideas on how to get tracked2 working, please let me know (anyone else use it with a geforce-2 card before?).

(NOTE: All the links in this thread, as they all have a "RHINO" address.)

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