Goto this link ... sterTruck2
Halfway down the page you'll see a couple headings and under each one is a link. Like this
Social Rooms > Social Room 1
Tournament Rooms > Tournament Room 1
For general play, click the social room link and a chat area will open up. In there you'll see everybody who is available to play. The tournament room is usually used only for tournaments but can still be used at other times, if you want to be away from the crowd for any reason.
Once the chat box opens, you'll see a few things. Along the right hand side is a list of the players currently in the chat. Along the bottom is the chat itself that you can read, and at the very bottom you can type what you want to say. When you press enter then what you type can be seen by everybody. In the main part of the window are game rooms - they are little blue boxes with the numbers 1 to 8 in them. Below each is a larger number. That's just the room's number.
Anyway, for the rooms (the blue sqaures) when you click the number-one position, you are host and control when the game launches. If you click numbers 2 to 8 you are joining the host's game. In either case, your name appears and a little truck icon replaces the position number and a start button appears. When you start, another chat window opens. That is the one that will launch the game. Only the host can launch the game, and only the host will see the launch button. If you join a room that is already open, you will be prompted for something about a "bot" - just click yes and you'll enter the room.
That's basically it.
Note. If for some reason you have trouble joining a game, then you will see the host's ip address. You can launch the game manually and copy and paste the IP address to join from the multiplayer screen in the game.
At the present time, most Monster Jam events are done using instant messenger programs and direct IP play. However, I think MOD_VS will be bring some to rengames and I hope it works out well. It's an easy set up that will hopefully making running all styles of play easier.