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 Post subject: model problem
PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:51 pm 
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after i download a model off the model page in mtmg traxx i put the art and models in the proper folders but when i open traxx i cant find them in the list the only way i can find it is if i extract the art and models off a track that has that model in it and then it showes up on the model list why

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:52 am 
Glow Ball
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It sounds like you are unzipping your models in one place but traxx is looking in a different place.

Where on the hard drive do you unzip the models?

And if you open traxx, look on the menu > view > options > click the folders tab (and you can see the paths).

Are they the same or different?

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:48 am 
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is unzip the same as explore i use explore it opens on the desk top i take the file and drag it to the folder and when the little plus shows up i release the file and so on until there all in the folder and i can see them in the folder is this the right way or not

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:02 pm 
Glow Ball
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Oh, I see. No, you shouldn't use the desktop. There are other people more familiear with the desktop than me, but "I think" when you drag like that you're just creating a shortcut and not copying the actual file. That's why traxx doesn't see it. If you work from someplace else on the computer, then "I think" it'll work properly.

Unzip and explore are 'not' the same thing. However, if you 'explore' the compressed folder type then it should behave the same. If it doesn't, then you'll have to unzip first before copying. For what it's worth, I always unzip first.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:56 pm 
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ok now dumb question how do i unzip a file i know how to compress zip a file for uploads but not unzip a file

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:55 pm 
Glow Ball
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Right click the zip file and you should get an option to 'extract all'.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:38 pm 
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i still cant figure it out phineus. when i extract all it says it will go to c\documents and settings your moma desktop. it says thats the extraction path for the art and model folders. is this wrong where they are goings. and if so how do i get them on the right path?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:50 am 
Glow Ball
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This is what I would do if it was me.


Start cowpod. Follow the instructions here

to clear the traxx registry entries. You will find them about two-thirds down the page under "Other registry tweaks". What you want to do is "Clear Traxx"


I would find the txx and pod files for the tracks I've made and save them someplace safe like C:\My tracks.


I would delete all track making files from my computer. No matter where they might be. Including traxx.


I would make a new folder. Something like

C:\Program Files\Traxx




I would download traxx again and unzip it to the folder I just made.


I would start traxx. And when it asks if you want to make new models and art folders, answer yes.


I would open the track I was working on and extract models and art just like you would do for traxx school or any other track you want to use parts out of.


I would open the txx file in traxx. Remember, you would have saved it to something like C:\My tracks. You can leave it there, it will still work.


I would continue working. That's what I would do.


If you download a model you want to use, when you unzip and it asks you to "c\documents and settings your moma desktop" do not unzip it there. Instead, browse to where you have the traxx program...

C:\Program Files\Traxx



Make sure the ACT and RAW files go in the ART folder, and the BIN files go in the MODELS folder.


You've got things all a jumble there and I think the best way is to wipe the slate clear and begin from scratch. Once you do that, you should have less trouble because you will know where everything is... because you will have put it there.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:46 pm 
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ok. this looks like it will take me awhile to do all that. i guess the first thing to do is, save all my textures and models i have now, so i dont loose them and start from scratch like you say. one question do you have your traxxs icon on the desk top. mine is in a folder with all the other folders like, the art and model folders ect. i open that folder to start traxxs. is that the right way to use traxxs.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:48 pm 
Glow Ball
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What I described isn't so hard but you do have to do one step at a time. But yes, you'll want to save any files you haven't got backed up. Absolutely.

Yes, I have traxx in a folder like you. There is no installation program. You just put it where you want and then leave it there.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:38 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:47 pm 
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HEEELP ! i still dont get it. when i right click the model folder i want i get this;

extract files
extract here
extract to oehut2/
win zip >
open with>
e mail with yahoo
send to>
create shortcut

which one of these do i use, and where do i go from there, i'm about to give up and forget all about making anymore tracks!

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PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:14 pm 
Glow Ball
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I always use "extract files" and then browse to the folder(s) I want to put them in.

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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:13 am 
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i don't know how i got it to work but i finally got it to work. thanks phineus

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