HEHEHE, i always love Phineus's reviews, so long, so beautifull, so darn right. HEHE, k, thnx for reviewing it. I am considering after what u said another improved version of it. But 1st, let me explain some things:
That jump after checkp six is not leaving, i made it especially to be taken a little harder, but with some practice, u can take it perfectly, the invisible barriers there are so that u not go on the railroad tracks and not using the jump.
The ground boxes i made them like this intentionally, but after the complains, they will be fixed.
On that big jump on hill, k, gonna do a space where to fall there if u haven't heard about breaks, lol. No offence.
The ramp coming down there will stay like this, i like it that way, not finding it very rough tho, but that's my call, btw used the smoothing there alot.
Last jump and the mud there i won't smooth or improve it, after 2 laps, u can take them very easily. So just learn the trak, hey, there must be a lill difficult on it, don't u think?
Anyway, maybe a TOC version i will do, for sure, but for now, i WILL take your advices Phineus (thnx) and do another version.
P.S. Viper, i AM a rookie in track making.