Easy fix buddy, as much as it may hurt, but... in your MTM2 folder, find the MTM2 High Scores file, it keeps track of all your personal best lap times for each tracks, once that gets too big, it needs to be axed.
You cant edit it, so you have to delete it. What I do is save the old one, and then the game will create an all new one for ya, just delete or save your current one, and enjoy.
That will speed up the game loading issue, but you really gotta "Dumb" the game down when you're running reps or customs, turn off all reflections, dont reflect the water, lay off the smoke, shadows (if you must), view distance, back everything off and it'll run much faster for many more years of enjoyment.
You gotta remember, no matter how much of a hot rod computer you're running it on, the game was made in 1997 or so, she's old.
_________________ Rep Fan's Garage