Oo-er. Been there (storm/power spike damage), not good.
For your track in its current form, Conrod is not so long as to be boring, but you would surely have to lengthen it if you were to got closer to a realistic layout. The Schlock track is a decent (scaled down) approximation of the circuit layout given the limitations of the game/texture set, although it doesn't capture all the elevations. I like the way you've put in some of the rises and falls on sections like pit straight and the approach to Murray's corner, however your top of mountain is still flat. Of course I'm only evaluating in comparison to the real thing here. BTW, I'd always wanted to make a Mount Panorama replica for our game a long time ago but never got to it (though I drew inspiration for my Silverrim Raceway track). Anyway, an idea I'd had (I think I'll share it because hell, I'm not gonna get to it

) was that I know there are access roads (dirt and sealed) that criss-cross the infield and around the outside of the track for the spectator and camping areas etc. Putting some of those in could give you more creative freedom to create a rougher track suited to our trucks, that might for example bounce through camping areas at the top of the mountain and also take in the top section of the racing circuit. The Australian Rally Championship actually did something like this when they hosted a round here last year, with a stage that started on the pit straight before turning off the track onto a dirt course in the infield.
Putting tributes in the track sounds nice (you've left Denny Hulme off your list?). I can tell you that in the week after Brock's death they had the racescore tower displaying 05 05 05 all the way down, and you might've heard how fans flocked to the track and wrote messages and tributes on the concrete walls, mainly at Skyline but also the start line.