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 Post subject: Mount Panorama - Bathurst 1000
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:49 am 
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Hey guys, only me. What can I say, it's been a while. :) Having seen the racing at Bathurst a few weeks ago, I felt like getting back into MTM2 track making. So, I've made a basic texture set for Bathurst and laid out the circuit. I also tried to make the terrain decent but I'm still not quite happy with it. I thought I'd show it to you lot to get some advice. It's pretty much only the Alpha stage right now, no objects yet, but I hope you can give me some pointers and help me back into this community.

Here's a quick shot of the layout. Is Mal still around? He used to be good at placing checkpoints.


I think I'll post it as a beta on the track page, if I can still remember how. :P

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:59 am 
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The track layout looks sweet Crash. It should be a fun track.

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:58 pm 
Glow Ball
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It's a good start and I think the terrain is fine. If it was me, the next steps might be figuring out the best places for checkpoints - so as to use the fewest - and then use models and such to make sure drivers stay on the road. Right now it's wide open so it's hard to guage the best options but shouldn't take too long once a few models start going in. The narrow road kind of reminds me of Drive2Survive's Silverrim Raceway. It's going to be a challenge when it's finished.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:33 pm 
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Location: Bathurst, NSW, Australia
[:-)] [:-)] [:-)]

Always excited to see appreciation of this greatest racing track and touring car series reaching other parts the world :) and a bit of Australiana going into our game. I think I'll be keeping an eye on this project and I can give you direct impressions of the real thing if you want it (or you might just want me to butt out and quit pressuring lol).

Are you working from maps and other resources or just what you saw on TV? If I was to make a criticism right now it would be that your track layout is not accurate to the real thing, if that's what you were shooting for (which you might not be - besides being hard to replicate curves and angles exactly, a 1.9km straight might get a bit old in a monster truck so you might need creative license if you want to make something actually exciting).

Anyway here's links the official version and a heap of reference material if you haven't seen it:
V8 Supercars Australia - Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000
The Mount Panorama Appreciation Site

10 years of MTM2 ~ 1998-2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:45 am 
Gone Walkabout
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Oh that sounds great, I agree D2S this is exciting :)
I'd love to see another track made from Mount Panorama. I have driven this track myself and I love the feel of being on there. I sure will be watching this thread Crash.

As you all no doubt know now; The Bathurst 1000 is raced annually in NSW Australia.
I dont know if this will help with the layout but...

Actually I have this following track tagged for a Memorial Tournament for Peter Brock to be run Sat 12.9.06, a day after the three month date of his passing,
Mount Panorama (Bathurst 1000) : BATHURST.POD : by 2407 Schlock : Circuit : Fast lap 1.31.49 :

I hope when yours is done Crash, to run it next year for that tournament.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 6:09 am 
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Well, the moment I begin a project, I have to stop it. We had a storm the other night and my PC and external drive refuse to turn on. Either this will have to wait or I'll have to start it again. Ah well. I know that the layout isn't quite right, but I just couldn't face trying to line up those corners perfectly. :P Anyone tested it yet? Do you find Conrod boring in a truck? If so, I guess I could try to make it interesting when I add scenery.

Incidentally, I was going to add something on the pit buildings as a tribute. I'd have 4 pictures with captions, in memorial of Don Watson, Mike Burgmann, Mark Porter and Peter Brock. If this gets finished, I'd be pleased to see it run as a tourney track. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:24 pm 
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Location: Bathurst, NSW, Australia
Oo-er. Been there (storm/power spike damage), not good.

For your track in its current form, Conrod is not so long as to be boring, but you would surely have to lengthen it if you were to got closer to a realistic layout. The Schlock track is a decent (scaled down) approximation of the circuit layout given the limitations of the game/texture set, although it doesn't capture all the elevations. I like the way you've put in some of the rises and falls on sections like pit straight and the approach to Murray's corner, however your top of mountain is still flat. Of course I'm only evaluating in comparison to the real thing here. BTW, I'd always wanted to make a Mount Panorama replica for our game a long time ago but never got to it (though I drew inspiration for my Silverrim Raceway track). Anyway, an idea I'd had (I think I'll share it because hell, I'm not gonna get to it :)) was that I know there are access roads (dirt and sealed) that criss-cross the infield and around the outside of the track for the spectator and camping areas etc. Putting some of those in could give you more creative freedom to create a rougher track suited to our trucks, that might for example bounce through camping areas at the top of the mountain and also take in the top section of the racing circuit. The Australian Rally Championship actually did something like this when they hosted a round here last year, with a stage that started on the pit straight before turning off the track onto a dirt course in the infield.

Putting tributes in the track sounds nice (you've left Denny Hulme off your list?). I can tell you that in the week after Brock's death they had the racescore tower displaying 05 05 05 all the way down, and you might've heard how fans flocked to the track and wrote messages and tributes on the concrete walls, mainly at Skyline but also the start line.

10 years of MTM2 ~ 1998-2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:18 am 
Gone Walkabout
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NIR_Cr@$hC@rt wrote:
Well, the moment I begin a project, I have to stop it. We had a storm the other night and my PC and external drive refuse to turn on....... If this gets finished, I'd be pleased to see it run as a tourney track. :)

Uggg sorry to hear that Crash, many years ago I invested in a lightning board and its saved my system here a number of times, was worth the investment. I for one sure hope you can keep working on this.

As for a tournament, you make it and I will host it, its something close to my heart.

Great ideas there D2S, you guys sure are creative when it comes to track making.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:11 am 
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It's OK, everything was recovered. The main power supply basically destroyed itself, but my external hard drive was fine. :) I hope to get back to this soon, but won't be around after this Sunday.

I like the idea of having the dirt roads on the infield, maybe I could make one of them use a bridge under or over the track? And about Denny Hulme, I can't believe I forgot him. A great driver, and a sad loss. At least he died doing what he loved. I think I'll put small pictures of their cars and names on the back of the pits area, and make the scoring tower say 05 all the way down as it was this year. How many slots for numbers ar there on the tower?

I've been thinking about the accuracy of this track. I'm going to work hard on the altitude changes, and probably make the Caltex Chase more accurate, using the correct angles for the corners. Makes it that bit less boring. It'll be hell to make all the concrete walls with the right sponsors, but I have an onboard video and footage of qualifying so I'll work hard to get it right. I'm sure there'll be floating walls but I'll do my best to avoid that. D2S and ShadowPrincess, if you can give me some info on the areas next to the track (spectator banks, camera locations etc.) I'll do my best to add the correct scenery. I just hope I maintain the motivation to continue this project. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:32 pm 
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There is in fact a tunnel that goes under the Chase to link the infield of the track with the outside roads. Was constructed in the '90s I think so that medical vehicles and the like could come and go without having to cross the track.

I drove down to look today and the scoring tower has 12 slots. FYI, when they displayed the 05 tribute they left every second slot blank for visual effect.

If you'd like, I can make it an expedition to go down to the track some day and take some photos of the structures and buildings for reference. Though it'd have to wait till later in the month as my parents are going away with the digital camera next week.

10 years of MTM2 ~ 1998-2008
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:43 am 
Gone Walkabout
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Glad D2S answered this for you Crash, he is closer to there than I am and its been years since I was actually on the track. Usually I watch these races on tv as you can see more of the race, however doesn't of course have the atmosphere :) Pictures certainly sound a great idea for him D2S.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:11 am 
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Drive2Survive wrote:
There is in fact a tunnel that goes under the Chase to link the infield of the track with the outside roads. Was constructed in the '90s I think so that medical vehicles and the like could come and go without having to cross the track.

I drove down to look today and the scoring tower has 12 slots. FYI, when they displayed the 05 tribute they left every second slot blank for visual effect.

If you'd like, I can make it an expedition to go down to the track some day and take some photos of the structures and buildings for reference. Though it'd have to wait till later in the month as my parents are going away with the digital camera next week.

Some photos would be really helpful. I want to make this accurate, starting with a better layout. :)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:01 am 
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I haven't been able to visit the track with camera yet, but how's this for the meantime.


Big image (1.15MB)</center>

This is a scan (actually many scans!) of a beautiful poster my Dad gave me several years ago. It's way out of date now after they redeveloped the pit complex and other areas over the past couple of years, but I hope you find it interesting if not useful :). Actually, since Dad still works at the mapping authority I might ask him if he can get me some updated images for you, maybe even some data like terrain height maps...

10 years of MTM2 ~ 1998-2008
"Thanks for the MTMories"

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