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 Post subject: face problem
PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:31 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:26 pm
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sorry for all the questions but got another, lol. i FINALLY learned how to make stuff. im trying to make a stadium, a big step but i wanna atleast try and get used to binedit more. i got the base half-way done, but i came to a problem, well 2 problems. the first is after i add vertics for a face, and then i add a face to it, it wants to go cross-ways like an X, and not a regular square. so in game that face messes up cause it isnt right..the other is when i also goto look at it in game, the ends of the faces are black marks, and dunno what i did wrong. is there any instructions for this? if so i cant find any. thanks to whom can help..

Monster Trucks are my life, the rest is just details

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:17 pm 
Glow Ball
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<li> after i add vertices for a face, and then i add a face to it, it wants to go cross-ways like an X, and not a regular square. so in game that face messes up cause it isnt right..

If you put the verticies in the right spot and you define the face in a clockwise direction then it should work fine. If that's not the problem, then maybe you can say a little more about what you mean by cross-ways.

<li> when i also goto look at it in game, the ends of the faces are black marks, and dunno what i did wrong.

Did you map the faces to the textures after you defined the face?

<li> is there any instructions for this?

This is the help page for binedit 0.9. Binedit 2 doesn't work exactly the same way but the instructions are step by step and very simple. Reading it would help get you familiar with 3D concepts and how they work, and would be a stepping stone to binedit 2. However, before you get carried away here, see the next links.

This is a basic tutorial for binedit 2. I think it's the proper place for a beginner. In your case, I think you might want to put your project on hold, do this, then go back to your project with what you've learned here. It should be enough to get you rolling. If you still need more or are having problems, maybe then go back and look at the 0.9 pages. With what you've learned from the BEI tutorial, the 0.9 pages would make more sense and be easier to follow.

This is a general help page. It's not a tutorial but will explain how everything works. If you forget something from the above links, or wonder what some part of the program does, then go here and freshen up on all the info. It's also a quick and handy reference page. Note. This does not include the truck editor or other features in the beta release. It does, however, cover everything else.

The keyboard layout, of course, is on the help menu in the binedit program.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:42 pm 
easy company
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> after i add vertics for a face, and then i add a face to it, it wants to go cross-ways like an X

Sounds like you added the face to the verts in the wrong order. They must be entered in a clockwise sequence otherwise the face will be twisted and messed up or backwards (counterclockwise).
It's best to keep a pencil and paper handy when doing this. As you add new verts tag them by pessing the 'Tab" key until the crosshairs are on the newly added vert then press the 'V' key to tag it. After you've finished adding the new verts and they are all tagged and are ready to add a face to them press the 'B' key. The curser will cycle through all the new verts and in the lower right hand corner of binedit you'll see the current vertex number displayed (Vertex: 0, Vertex:1, Vertex:2 etc etc). Draw a simple diagram on a piece of paper of the new vertex layout and write down the vertex numbers at the binedit assigned corners something like this...


In the diagram above the face must be added 1-3-4-2, or 3-4-2-1, or 4-2-1-3, or 2-1-3-4 (all those combo's are in a 'clockwise' rotation) for a square face.
It's the same if you want to add a triangular face except you leave the fourth Vertex box blank and you'll need to repeat for the other half as in the lower half of the diagram.

Note: With any 4 vertice combo you have the option to add square faces or triangle faces. For MTM2 square faces work perfectly well for most all models, the only advantage to using triangles vs squares is when you are making a roundish object such as a ball. Triangles make for smoother rendering but double up on the models face count.

> ... the ends of the faces are black marks.

This is caused by mapping a face to the extreme edge of a texture. To fix this always leave at least a one pixel gap, like so ...

proper edge mapping
don't do this unless you want black marks

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:08 pm 
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ok thanks, i read that stuff, that phin gave me. i still had troubles with the facing, but i finally got it. ill try the 1 pixel thing, other than the black marks, the stadium is looking great!

Monster Trucks are my life, the rest is just details

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:04 pm 
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woooo, it worked lol. i should have the base done today..maybe, i read somewhere on the site where u can flip the faces and make an exact copy on the other side..gotta try it out, hope it works.

Monster Trucks are my life, the rest is just details

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:20 am 
easy company
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> i read somewhere on the site where u can flip the faces and make an exact copy on the other side...

Open the model that you want to copy to the other side then hold down the 'Ctrl' key then hit the 'A' key to select all the faces. Go to the 'Groups' menu and and select 'Flip all Faces in Group' from the drop down. That will turn the model inside out. Save this model version under a new name, close it then reopen the original model you started with. With the original model open go to the 'Insert' menu and select 'Model' from the drop down then browse to the the new inside-out version you just created and click ok then save this under a new name. Next go to the 'Vertex' menu and select 'Merge close vertices' and click ok. Walah! you have an exact copy on the other side, aka fiberglassing.

NOTE: If you are working on a truck body "DO NOT MERGE THE VERTICES!" because it will ruin the shiney face rendering in the game making all the colors dull, flat, and very ugly... It is however perfectly fine to merge verts for any type of track prop model and is very advantageous to do so when it comes to frame rates.

... I look forward to seeing your track. good luck with it :)

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:57 am 
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Posts: 230
thanks for your help, i wanna show u guys a pic of my track today if i can. i tryed the other day and it was just a link, lol. get the link to the image, and put it in between the Img? thanks

Monster Trucks are my life, the rest is just details

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:46 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
get the link to the image, and put it in between the Img?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:48 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2005 3:26 pm
Posts: 230
alrighty, here it is. its kinda big but i just laid it out so i can look at it. theres the top view.


Monster Trucks are my life, the rest is just details

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