First off let me say i love the layout, its rough but not so jagged that its impossible to keep control like some tracks i've seen, it feels very realistic in comparison to the real thing. but there are a few things that i would like to point out that would make it even more appealing.
1) concider getting rid of the weather mask, let the people who d/l the track decide what type of weather condition to run... in some tracks like Graveyard or Boot Hill the rain or dusk condition adds to the tracks overall appeal but in your case i think it needlessly takes away from it...
jagged landscape would look 100% better if it were smoothed out a bit thoughout the surrounding terrain... (be aware that any trees that are on the terrain you adjust will need to be repositioned or they will be left floating in mid air or sunk in the ground)
3)(textures) the texture transitions between the gray rock and the grass and the red rock and grass is rather abrupt and could very easily be fixed with just a few additional textures, there are some excellent "how to" tips at the
MTMG ..also there are some out of place textures like the blue mountain side
and a couple wooden rocks just after cp 3..
4) (models) most of the trees need to be set to "facing"... and the telephone poles seem out of place in this mountainous environment.
5) the comp trucks do not finish the race, believe me i know this is a time consuming challenge but its a nessasary evil in track making...
overall its a great looking track that just has some details to be worked out before its released....
if you need any help or have any questions just drop me a email or leave a message here (i am not online much over the weekends)
[This message has been edited by Malibu350 (edited 12-05-2000).]