Thanks for your notes Phin. I shall update within a couple days. I forgot to mention that I'm also working on a few Evo2 tracks at the same time - so my back burner is smoking!
Way too slippery, even at deep tires. The texture depth is okay, but try the type at 'dirt'.
I agree and will try that.
Checkpoints might do well to be at the corners instead of at the road intersections. As it is, you can cut through some of the trees.
I'm not sure you need cp3 - and the arrows are unnecessary.
Yes..... the checkpoint placement and arrows have been an evolving thing. I wanted to eliminate the need for extra models by using ground boxes but I think I'll have to rethink that idea. Shortcuts were meant to be an option, but not obvious.
There's some shine through with the tree transparency. I think that comes from the fact you probably put the trees in first and the surrounding scenery afterward. There's no real solution except to take them back out, finish the track, then put them back in as the very last step. That may not solve everything, but it'll definitely help.
Yes I noticed the shine through and didn't really know what to do about it. I'm of a mind to make new textures/ bins for the trees and replace them. But I'll do that last as you suggest.
Outer walls are presently no collide but I expect you know that.
Yes, the outer walls is a single model and setting it to Default resulted in the trucks hitting an invisible "ceiling" so I set it to No Collide with the intention of adding collision boxes around the sides later.
It's a fun track and has lots of potential. I like the look and feel, for sure. But the biggest point right now is it's too slippery to enjoy.
Thanks for the input. You've given me food for thought.