Thanks for stopping in, drdre_37.
Far be it for me to say that this isn't the way to go about acquiring ideas for a track. In fact, there are no established rules that I know of pertaining such a topic. However, I will say that by in large most the track makers I know get ideas from a myriad of sources, to include a movie they enjoyed, a book they read, real life childhood experiences, other tracks (amazing, huh lol)), places they've been...on and on. Truthfully the only limits you have are those imposed by your own imagination.
I suppose the bottom line is don't be surprised to find your thread light on the response side. By in large most aren't used to seeing threads whereby track makers are soliciting ideas from the general community. The norm is for MTMers to wait patiently on the sidelines and wait for track makers to release one of their creations, and <u>then</u> they may or may not swing by to post comments on your work.
Not trying to discourage you from using the forums here at MTMG, however, I felt it necessary to clue you in about the probability of what to expect.
I'm just getting back in the swing of things - working on 2 track reviews. Definitely check back here from time to time because a few of your tracks are definitely on my "hit list". Take care, dre.
Edit: By the way, dre - forgot to add this
link for ya. There are a few track ideas posted there that may interest ya.
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