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 Post subject: Maui MX 2005 beta
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:49 pm 
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OK well this is my first track in 2-3 years so be easy on me LOL .

On that note:,

Most of this track is finished the haybails need to be ajusted still ..and posibly a couple of small track adjustments.. lift a tree here or there kinda thing.. .. I made all new textures and trees for this track, they look alott like the textures from my other maui tracks .. but they are new.. LOL

Use the textures and trees if you like I dont care.. about the trees.. I searched high and low for good pics of trees and there just dosent seam to be alott out there .. so if these trees look like the ones you ( who ever you are ) have made I assure I did make them so dont yell at me and say I stoled your trees .. :D

Anyway .. to sum this up .. im just looking for some feed back on it .. any input would be cool ..

OH I almost forgot the AI trucks are giving me some truble.. I never used to have a prob with them .. I guess I took to much time off and forgot how I did what I did...


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:23 am 
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LOL yeah, I had a quick look at this one tonight when we talked, and you confirmed my suspicions about setting the hay bales in place, then making adjustments to the terrain (rookie lol). That's the only thing that jumped out at me, but I'll have a much closer look tomorrow when I get home from work, then drop anything I find in here. ;)

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:45 am 
You Gonna Eat That?
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After I ran this, I had no doubt in my mind who this "World" was...

You haven't lost your touch, I love the track.

Only thing I saw were a few floating hay bales that need to be adjusted, but that's it.

Just like riding a bike, you may go slow at first, but you never forget how to ride it.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:56 am 
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Love it. Looks like another World-made motocross track is gonna be a classic.

Aside from the already mentioned floating bales, I see nothing that needs improvement. Maybe some track marshalls standing in a few corners, but that's just a suggestion, not a needed item (And I don't mean pics of your girlfriend either, if you know what I


--> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." -- Henry Ford

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:41 am 
Glow Ball
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I'm curious what base textures you're staring with. The previous Maui tracks had a lot of visible seams. Not the worst in the word, it's true, but if you slowed down at all, they were noticable. Here, they're improved but there's still a few.

For the computer trucks, I think the ends of your segments are too close together. Also, the short segments can be shorter still, if you want. I think I'd leave course zero alone and tweak course two a bit.

What's cope's dino?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:52 am 
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As far as the textuers go .. I just made them from scratch .. the difforence now is that I know how to work with layers .. not sure why that would make a diff ..

LOL the dino thing .. comes from a review copey did of maui 2002 ( I think ) I had stuck some dinos in the track and he said I have a dino fetish .. hehe anyway .. he and I were talking in the zone the other night and I told him that TRI had passed a law saying you have to have a dino in every track you make .. is just a little joke I played on him ..

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:30 pm 
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It's ok, Phin - World's out on an extended weekend pass from Happy Acres. BLS said they were taking him back today.

As for the track, like Phin, I too noticed the improved look of the textures compared to OGX Maui 2002 and OGX MX. Yep, a few seams, but the stuff looks pretty darn good.

I did take note that quite a few of your cp's trip on the outside. Sure, you could leave it as is and let racers take their chances since more often times than not trying to shave a cp on the outside constitutes a risk. But my recommendation would be to tighten 'em up and do away with the corner cutting altogether.

Trees. Yep, they're nice, but they flare out a bit at the top, and since the bottom section is narrower, racers will be hitting portions of the model they can't see if they're close to those trees. I say just set the suckers to no-collide and be done with it. It's not like the trees are being used to negate shortcutting. You've used enough cp's for that lol.

This turn heading up that long stretch to the finish . . . there's nothing preventing racers from foregoing the road and cutting back inside to take advantage of the flat terrain, then jumping off at the appropriate point.

Finally, I can't say I care for the hay bales on this track. I know your team colors are black and white and the bales are supposed to be representative of the BLS team . . . they seem to clash with the overall color scheme. When you did maui tracks on ZO and OGX at least the colors were a heck of a lot more pleasing to the eye. The black and white just doesn't seem to cut it in my opinion. Just an observation, that's all.

Oh, one more thing; the dinosaur clashes as well, but I have a feeling there's no way you're taking that out. That's just the kind of sick, twisted individual you are lolol.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:09 pm 
The Dog House
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I just wanted to say that it's nice to have you back making racing works of ART. Have always been a fan.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:28 pm 
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ya good ideas .. Ill set the trees to no colide tighten up the cps and Ill do what I can about the last corner thingy .. IM not completely sure what your talking about there but I think I have already added some things that would stop running the outside, or left side of the final run to the star finish line .. and the haybails .. well there not BLS .. they are FOX IM not sure what it is some motor cross crash pads or something ..? but a ya I thought having them set black and white every other haybail would look good .. but they just blend together and IM not happy with them either .. I wish there was a way to simply replace a model .. I just got them all set LOL

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:47 pm 
Glow Ball
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>> I wish there was a way to simply replace a model

Repaint the texture and copy it into the art folder. If it's being used in other tracks, then do everything with unique names, then, when you're finished, extract the pod, search and replace in the sit file, adjust the LST file to include the new model and art, then rebuild the pod. It's a couple steps, but not too hard.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:00 pm 
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oh ya I forgot about that .. good idea Phin ..

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:22 pm 
easy company
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Another way to simply replace a model is to load the new one into your models box, highlight the old model on the track and hit the 'apply' button, traxx will replace the old with the new and retain all the same direction/height info.

maybe not as slick as phins idea for mass replacements but i use it often.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:58 pm 
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Yeah, that's how I do it too, Mal lolol.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:15 pm 
Glow Ball
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If your version of Traxx supports it, you can replace all the models the same way you can do with textures. Right click and select replace.

<center><img src=""></center>

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:23 am 
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OK I have a second Beta ready for testing .. actualy it might be ready for final test... OH other than the AI trucks .. no matter what I try they drive like there drunk....

I dont have a web site anymore to upload my stuff to.. but I read someplace that there is an uploads for beta tracks someplace ???

If so could someone post the link to that please.. I looked around but damned if I can find it ..


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:34 am 
Glow Ball
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Just upload to the regular track page here, and set the "type" to beta. When the final is ready, we just remove the beta.

Tip. Put "beta" in the zip file name.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:41 pm 
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OK guys...

1st: I normaly dont use beta testers .. I always did ok on my own ..( at least I thought I did ) .. but it has been a long long time .. and you guys with your links for new utils .. have helped me out more than IM going to type LOL cause IM a lazy *bleep* and IM drinking ..

*beep* lmao thats funny

OH by the way the new traxx 1.5 . I dont know who updated it .. but fantastic work ..

2nd: you will see I added alot of eyecandy .. well not alot but my normal max the crap out of it kinda deal .. I took out COPEYS DINO LMAO I love givine copey a hard time .. :D

and I added a anim guy fishing in a boat.. let me know what you think about that.. IM not set on keeping him .. also .. I added a bimbo waving a flag at the start finish line .. she is going to stay because IM a perv and thats that .,. LOL

thanks again for the testing .. it would have taken me allot longer to make this if it wasent for your help....

soo here is the link to the new beta final test .. OH and COPEY .. stop cheating .. lol

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:39 pm 
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Hehe you have some serious issues, World. But since none of us are psychiatrists, we'll stick to 'track therapy' for now lol.

I like the fishing guy - leave it.

Cp's seem ok so far - will check em all after I take care of some crap my wife wants me to do lol.

Still have a few hay bales partially recessed.

Not sure if you're concerned with seams at all, but there are a few of them, too.

*Edit: Took a ride with World to show him the little cut using the flat terrain after cp 17. Case closed.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:41 pm 
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YA IM good with the texturs.. I think if I were to start messing with them Id screw them up .. and the haybails .. they look good to me .. acouple are alittle bit sunk .. ( little ) but on any real track .. there never all sitting on top .. I think it adds the the nature of things .. if ya follow .. I will for sure fix the cp17 crap .. I cant believe I missed that .. then again .. its been some time .. and I hate shorts .. never realy saw the point in them .. thers other ways of having tricky crap in a track if thats what ya want .. I would rather have the guys run the track .. = all the cps to try and stop that kind of thing .. .. at the same time .. I will expliot any short I can to win a race .. so I understand why they are used ..

OH I saw a blemish in the bimbo anim that I need to fix ..
think ill put on it .. copey was here LOL .. naaaa I was going to put in a building and have Copeys nudy bar as an anim LOL

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:49 am 
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Anyway . . . lol, you have a little water prob here, pal. In case you've forgotten about this stuff too, either lower the water level a tad or raise the terrain some lol. Actually, you'd probably be better off dropping the water a tad since adjusting the terrain might screw up a few models in that area. Hope ya see this before you upload the final.

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