I must say, I'm pretty proud of this guy for the effort he put into this track. I firmly believe anyone can make a track, but without creativity and imagination...well, you end up with a track like Graveyard. Hehe
This track has a very good mix of simplicity/complexity, so it's fun for intermediate racers as well as your seasoned pro. The layout is absolutely superb, and the texture change up is a nice addition to bring out the absolute best in a racers abilitly to sucessfully negotiate the track. He brings it back home by reinserting the original texture at the end with a very nice finishing touch!
GB has put a lot of little "accents" into this one, and it's amazing to me how someone so relatively new to this field...having made only one other MTM 2 track (rumble - Limitations), could crank out such an awesome rally!
If you're looking for one to add to your collection of "great ones", look no further; this is without question a track to have in your repertoire!!!
Great job, GB. Hope you continue to make tracks, and also expand your horizons by trying various types of layouts and styles. That's what separates the Badgers, Spiders, and Zoons from the "casual" track makers.
[This message has been edited by SLO_COPE (edited 31-08-2001).]