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 Post subject: I'm hearing you guys!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:00 pm 
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When I mentioned mtm2.1, I mentioned a lot of what could be done, and some ideas that seemed probable. Changing the physics was one of the things people say was beyond our skills. I've given it just a little bit of thought... and then set the idea aside to process later.

My thoughts basically revolve around getting a start on any of this. Basically, I introduce the idea, and people applaud, and then most people go on about their lives while I'm left here with everything to do, and very little help to get it done. I have one guy... he's been tight on the resurrection of Ground Zero, and MTM2.1 and so far, he's the only person who's actually even transfered an idea or discussed it in length.

Well, sadly, some people don't like him for whatever reason (I don't care) and chose to abandon the GZ team membership. So with fewer people to start either, I'm stuck with nothing. Just me and my bud... He's now just showed me his 3rd or 4th truck in about as many days. They're looking real good too. But between the two of us, we'll be all year trying to get an MTM2.1 project accomplished.

What is desperately needed is the plan (I got that) a director, maybe a second director to help organize, and maybe 5 people minimum. I think I could manage with that many, and if a fcouple hours a day could be focused on the project, it could likely be finished sometime before 2005.

How? Who and when: 2 directors to organize accomplished works and orchestrate each sequence of tasks. 2 Graphics Specialists 1 gather and design webpage graphics, the other designing the interface. (Once started, the website could be updated quickly enough that 1 director could handle that and another task too.)
1 game specialist to gather all the pods and files, which the interface graphics man can begin enhancing... The programmer CH2005 would be his own director, and orchestrate his movements and retain 1st priority priveledges so if he hits a snag, he gets any help he needs.

So with a site started, promotion drawing attention, we'd maybe get some more help. With the interface design layed out and present enhancement/fix pods and files gathered, we can put the bulk of our efforts into editing bins and tracks. We divide trackwork between 2 or 3 people, and put 2 people on trucks. The tracks will be enhanced with lighting and up to date billboards and such. The trucks will get dressed up with the up to date paintschemes. That will be one of the 1st stand-alone dloadables: Textures with new 2004 paintschemes. The bodies will be switcheable for low-vert/high-vert options, selectable (hopefully) in the options program. Oh, and I think its about time we get some better wheels too.

If this kinda sounds cool, trust me, it'll probably be even better. I mean, thinking about all this with what we've seen already - that's pretty intense. But I think we can push this thing further than what we've come to know. I was in a quicky paint session yesterday and when I was finished, I had a vision of true inspiration. And this is why I decided that this would be the trademark vehicle, the symbol of enhancement, and the mtm2.1 'mascot' monstertruck.

So yeah, I'm thinking phototextured trucks tweaked as close to perfection as we can get them. Tracks that 'glow' in the dark, better backdrops, enhanced textures... (dern, where's ZooN when I need him?!) like those skidmarks around the corners... (these track enhancements can just over-ride filenames, allowing for another stand-alone enhancement.)

We'll put lights on the billboards, the corner of barns, all sorts of neat places so the tracks aren't all dark with only the train and truck headlights working. We'll stick custom levels in with additional animated models like birds and planes and... well, we'll steal all the 4x4 evo air stuff. LOL

And all the while, we'll have a submissions page for new ideas, and signups for editors who want to participate. And we'll have specialized promotional re-directing link pages for people to add to their website so they can choose which MTM2.1 flash movie will be shown before entering the MTM2.1 site. The promotional deal will be a huge asset because we'll need a ton of testing done before official release date.

Sound like a plan? It's a lot, but not THAT much. LOTS of work is me trying to accomplish a project I've been holding off for too long. But if this thing doesn't fly, I guess I'lll have all the time I need heheh

So spread the word, ok?
Peice out, folks.

- Alpine

That will be redirected later... and the flash will be retweaked. Its just a test I thought you all might like to see.

"Do onto others, and be quick about it, so I can get a turn."
"I don't have opinions; I have precisely calculated probability assessments."

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:51 pm 
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Alp, you know that actual truck is being auctioned on Ebay, right? You could have a real UltraKill to promote MTM 2.1

The flash movie looks a little too much like something The Cheat would make for my tastes [:P]

As for the project itself: Would we be looking for a completely new set of trucks (i.e., to avoid licencing stuff)? Would we then be looking for trucks which would be convincing as real life monster trucks or more outrageous designs (like UK, for example)? I would *love* to be a truck maker for this. I know I'm considered a rep guy, but ask the boys at Vales about my upcoming customs :)

 Post subject: looking for staff members for the mtm2.1 project!
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:26 am 
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ahhh, there's the beauty of idea submissions. That's difinately one worth a thought. I don't think we'd have problems with liscensing since so many updated reps have been made already. So that was my thought - to make things easy as possible. But that doesn't mean we can't expand the trucks list by adding more reps, and a fleet of new spin-offs like Ultrakill.
So does this mean you wanna be a director for the mtm2.1 project? If so, just give me a hollar. I'm thinking myself of getting a headstart on the track line-up. I just need directors quick to get things organized so very little time would be wasted stepping on each others' toes :)

"Do onto others, and be quick about it, so I can get a turn."
"I don't have opinions; I have precisely calculated probability assessments."

48GOAT @Twitter @gmail @Facebook

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 10:34 am 
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Well, I guess licensing is only an issue if the update isn't free. I'm sure we could have a whole set of new reps if no money is being made on it.

I'd definately like to be a "chooser of trucks", but time is going to be an issue because I start work next week. But yeah, I could organize a list of my favorites and submit them :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:24 pm 
Refer to NASCAR Racing 2003... A group by the name of Project Wildfire has created mods to include such series as the Craftsman Truck Series, Busch Series, Trans Am Series, etc. All of these different mods have different physics engines and are selectable via the main menu. Want to please everyone? Perhaps something to this effect should be done.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:21 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2000 2:01 pm
Posts: 360
>>Want to please everyone? Perhaps something to this effect should be done.

Alpine said: "Changing the physics was one of the things people say was beyond our skills"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:12 pm 
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JPez is making a new MTM. It's called Monster Freestyle Racing for the time being. Umm. It's pretty cool. About all it needs is a physics engine and a GUI. it already loads everything and lets u fly around.

Keep on MTMing,
<a href="">Visit my site</a>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 10:23 pm 
Anonymous wrote:
Refer to NASCAR Racing 2003... A group by the name of Project Wildfire has created mods to include such series as the Craftsman Truck Series, Busch Series, Trans Am Series, etc. All of these different mods have different physics engines and are selectable via the main menu. Want to please everyone? Perhaps something to this effect should be done.

And then came Nascar 2004, one word, garbage...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:25 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:25 pm
Posts: 44
And then came Nascar 2004, one word, garbage...

And that has what to do with NASCAR Racing 2003 exactly? Two completely different development companies... One's a good simulation, the other's a "mainstream" arcade game.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:34 pm 
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Location: Lying on my bed in the middle of the night, editing tracks with Traxx on my laptop, in Sarasota FL
I've just spent the last ten minutes reading all the posts. I think this idea sounds really cool. I might be a game specialist to gather all the pods and files and stuff... BUT I am just warning you, you might want to pick two game specialists because once school starts up again, my parents are going to be really strict about computer usage. They don't like this game already, so... BUT its an idea. For the track list I DEFINATELY suggest X-Raid by Old_mumhra whatever person thingy. It is a really really good track. I like the intro movie thing. It's really cool. This is a good idea, and I really hope it turns out free, because I got MTM with my computer a long time ago, and my parents most definately will not let me buy (spend money) on mtm2, so all I have is mtm1 and mtm2 trial version. So... I really hope it's free. Alpine, what programming software do you use? because next summer (I know, I know, it's a long time away) but anyway next summer I am going to a camp and taking one or two weeks on a game design and programming course using dark basic, so maybe I can do something too, then. But I would love to help with this.


 Post subject: Losing faith...
PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 11:23 pm 
Thanks for the encouraging words. Unfortunately, I do not believe we will have the manpower to do this. I think its an awesome project, but is it worth it for two or three people to rack their brains taking all this on, and over stressing when things get confusing?

Anyway, and forgive how pathetic my new message board is; I don't know enough about moderating anything to well. But here is what was going to be a signup page.
the 'entrance' link should now be routed to a new message board, while the 'skip intro' takes u to the main mtmbbs .

If I can get enough people interested, maybe a half dozen - THEN I will push further into development stages. As of now, this is too much volunteer work, and not enough people left to appreciate it. As for me enjoying what I do, my interests have turned towards graphics editing. My secondary interests are web graphics, animation, and web editing. I dont do any programming or I'd probably be deeper into that.

So my love for graphics would be one heck of an attribute going into the game interface. Shoot.. I have all the best graphic plugins. Bringing Ground Zero back would have meant spreading all my knowledge to others, to make sure they had all the tools necessary to create the best looking trucks and track graphics. But if that has to wait, that's cool. And if this mtm2.1 project don't fly, always know I have something worthwhile for a paintscheme on a truck and its very likely I have one planned already ;)

Oooh, I think I feel motivated again... brainstorm coming on... Hmmmm webpage graphic or paintscheme? decisions...decisions...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:08 pm 
I think you should change the control when turning the car turns so little it slides like crazy you have to go 20 mph/kmh to get it to turn perfectly.

 Post subject: trucks... working on a new TRUCK2.POD
PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:54 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:19 am
Posts: 16
I'm making a new TRUCK2.POD. so far they are faster and not laggy like stock ones. the 16+ textures in the wheel models is main lag problem...too much to write during game....let u know when rdy for testing.... :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:44 am 
Glow Ball
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Who posted this?

Was that you, alp?

 Post subject: that was me
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:13 pm 
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yeah that was... was that bad? :?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:53 am 
Glow Ball
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Not inherently bad but it does draw into question levels of committment.

How much time and effort is a person to devote to this when no sooner do people begin taking it seriously then the plug gets pulled.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:24 pm 
I'd love to have new, more realistic physics if it were possible to do. I'm with Rep Fan, I want that truck to act like a Monster Truck...which right now it doesn't.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, but how possible would gettin' computer raceable drag tracks to work be? I dunno beans about programming, but maybe mimic what's in MTM1 somehow? I dunno...just a thought. I'm excited by this idea, and I wish there was more I could do to help out.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:05 am 
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I can see making new trucks. tracks and screens, but I think major mods like changing the physics of the game, or game functions like proper drag races are beyond our talents (and you probably need the source code, which isn't available).

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 Post subject: Re: No MTM3? How about a 2.1?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:11 pm 
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Wow... was just bouncing around looking for the Madness Project stuff and found this thread. I sure had a lot of ideas back in the days. lol Glad we at least got the 2.1 truck pack done. Me and ONaN sure had fun playing with those things... and the setups were stupid fast. Don't ask me how I know. ;-)


"Do onto others, and be quick about it, so I can get a turn."
"I don't have opinions; I have precisely calculated probability assessments."

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 Post subject: Re: No MTM3? How about a 2.1?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:54 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:44 pm
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I guess we have MTM 2.2 with the community patch nearly 20 years later.

Keep on truckin'

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