LOL no disagreements from me...cept of course with regard to the roughness of the track. I don't think it's too rough at all. And if it is too rough, then I suspect tracks like Cayo Borracho, Petrifying Springs, Midliland MX, and Rattler (to name a few of a horde of "rough terrain" tracks) should be recalled immediately lol.
Seriously though, for some it may be too rough because as I see it a lot of it has to do with what you like and don't like, as well how skilled a racer you are...and no, I promise I'm not trying to insult anyone or look down upon lesser skilled racers. As is this track is cake with respect to the level of difficulty, it really is, but that's my take on it given the number of years I've been racing and all the tracks I've run. I know people who said Rachel's Park was crap for online play - much too narrow and too tight, too much stuff in the way lol. Mariposa was a waste because one slip up and you're history, and that Wake Up! was too confusing because they couldn't follow the map. I love everyone of those tracks lol, but none of the three tracks can be run with any measure of proficiency without
practice, and on Mariposa and Rachel's Park, a lot of it. The tracks I mentioned for maybe Midiland MX, are pro-level tracks in my opinion. I ran them years ago and hated em...with a passion. But now I think they're great, but again, that's just me.
Charles, don't be lulled into thinking that if COPE says it's ok then it's ok lol. I'm one guy with one opinion, and sometimes I'm just out in left field. Just as you shouldn't necessarily believe that just because Phin thinks it's too rough that you need to take to it with a smoothing tool and not quit 'til the surface is glass-like. Weigh the input and decide for yourself, bud...and just so that it's said, sometimes comprimise is an option, too.
As for the techie stuff, I certainly can't/won't/don't disagree, I mean, how can I? But what I can tell you is that there are tracks made to cater to different skill levels, and quite a few of them appeal to every skill level. You decide what audience you're trying to capture and go with it.
Ok now Phin can ban me and Wint lol.