>> Why so shy?
I think he heard me laughing and had to mention that I had first referred to them as 'evil'.
>> Are there any advantages of using GBs?
Their terrain-like grip and type.
There are 2000 available, while there is less than 500 models available, making more walls, roofs, bridges and buildings possible.
They are very effective for those who cannot build their own models, for the things just mentioned.
Their 90 degree sharp edges are useful in many circumstances (compared to terrain).
> They remove splashing effects from bin bridges over water.
> They add echos to tunnels and buildings.
>> Especially: what are the comparative advantages of GBs versus bins when it comes to simple cubes painted with 256x256 textures?
See above.
The GB echo effect is desireable, but for roofs I like to use big bin cubes, one single cube can replace many GBs. For example, I used eight simple bin cubes to cover my loading dock with a roof, each covers the area of 8x8 squares, which is almost too much for single model, but each replaced 64 GBs, and the whole roof would have required 512 GBs in one small area, which would have been fatal.
>> I have a (city) track under construction
Groundbox buildings are an excellent addition to a city when used wisely, sparing the model count.
>> Now I wonder whether I will run into problems if I replace the GBs with bins.
I don't know what you've done, but too many models in close proximity is bad news. Even so, I would say that the models will cause you less problems than GBs, because of the way GBs so easily trigger the error.
>> Do vertices of GBs cause less impact than those of bins?
I would say... more, for whatever reason they have a strong impact on overall performance.
>> Is there a list of bugs... ?
When two GBs are next to each other and differ in height there is a visible seam between them, in the form of... a line of sparkling light, but when they have the same dimensions there is no seam visible.