> why bother with it tho?
Several reasons.
- We're on the brink of a huge expansion and it needs to be done anyway.
- What's there is very inefficient and a pain to maintain
- I'd like to develop a template that can be used for tracks, maybe utilities
- Flexibility and choice are usually a good thing
- Searches don't turn up everything, and people don't always know what they're looking for. These choices should be a way to get blanket coverage.
- It's a challenge.
> For sorting do it like windows
Hey buddy, when we see it in cpod...
Seriously, tho. It's on the list. It's hard to do because of the query strings but if I can find a way, I'll try to add that.
> checks instead of radio buttons
good idea
> spacing between author, truck, both, file
okay, I have it better
> neither is actually somthing i would want to be the final version.
The risk is getting too complex. I don't mind the complete alphabet on the page, but twice gives me problems. The drop downs work but the redundancies bother me. And, like, where do the team sorts go for the track page? I don't think anything is going to be perfect, but hopefully we can find the best compromises.
> maybe use the word author instead of maker.
Well, right now the abbreviatoin is T and M