Well different strokes for different folks i suppose, and perhaps this track is just a bit too difficult for some but i personally found it to be very well made and very challenging as are all of GB's tracks...
<center><IMG SRC="http://malibuco.hostme.com/images_mtmg/VallyOfTheKings_sm.jpg" border=0></center>
ctd11, just what did you find "bad" about this track? or was that statement just some kind of attention grabbing cheapshot nonsence that seems so prevalent in the zone nowadays?
tracks of this caliber take a great deal of someone's time and talents to create, the
very least you could do is elaborate so others with similar tastes or lack there of
won't bother with the dl.
<IMG SRC="http://home.earthlink.net/~richathr/ratlogo10x10.gif" border=0>