========================================= February 18, 2005 - Version 2.2 build 8 ========================================= Added model shift hot key's, X < >, Y [ ], Z ( ). (moves the model around the main window) Added delete current vertex hot key (Alt+Delete). Added a preview option to the texture replacer. Added a bin animation creater in tools. A default game, pod, and sound file location directory listing has been added to the prefs. The stock METALCR2.ACT file is now imbedded in the exe and is no longer needed in your directory. BinEdits cfg file has been replaced with a more efficient binary bcf file (binedit configuration file). The previouse cfg will no longer be used on this or future builds. A new Model Data tab has been added to prefs with the option to maintain info data files and the ability to import or purge model info. Added alt and alt+shift hot keys to the standard rotation keys (arrows, page up, page down), slow = rotate key+alt key, and super slow = rotate key+alt+shift. Fixed 'save' and 'save as' functions in browse bins dialog. Added option to resize bins in editor units. Added Print feature to the help/ Keyboard Map dialog. Added custom lighting feature (work in progress, currently dissabled). Fixed large model collapse bug when merging vertices. Rotation dialog made to remain open. Restored vrml export. Added Truck Editor tool Added Pod Creator tool Added Pod Extractor tool Added file name length limitation prompts Invalid texture size crash fixed (when attempting to replace a texture or load a model mapped with an unsupported texture dimension) Save prompt after texture normalize activated. fixed Add vertex/empty coordinate field crash. Adding a face to a new project will now prompt you to select a texture first, (no gray out). Model information updates properly now when translating verts via x, y, z, keys. Fixed the quad view quirk where the vertex invade other quadrants. Added the option to mirror (flip) faces attatched when mirroring a vertex group. Model information updates in lower right when all models are closed. multiple face and vertex group selection protocol is now in place (ctrl, shift). =============================================================== Many thanks to Phin, Wint, D2S, ch_2005, Mat-Allum, Rep Fan, and Slickster for their help with input and testing. Updates written by rbiii Malibu350 =============================================================== ===================================== 10/31/03 - Version 2.0.0, Release 23 ===================================== added x, y, z, mirror function under the model menu (note this replaces the old resize mirror trick used on previous versions v09 - v1.03). select all faces before mirroring and binedit will automatically flip the faces. there's also an option to 'mirror copy' which essentially is a copy-paste of one half to the other side creating a whole model. added unused vertice detect prompt at save. restored active vertice point highlight marker in quad view. fixed save prompt after unused vertice delete. fixed save prompt after texture replace. fixed 'open in active window' preference not 'sticking'. fixed the Alt+* vertice group translation refresh (win98 only bug). the Tools menu is disabled because it's not quite ready. I wanted to get this version out that adresses the above issues first. When it's ready it'll have a full blown truck editor complete with previews and also a pod compiler, decompiler. ===================================== 8/22/03 - Version 2.0.0, Release 22 ===================================== ***after nearly 14 months of BE work and the fact that I didn't keep every little detail logged as it progressed results in a most likely incomplete log file below, but it covers most. --------------------------------------------------------------- the entire binedit code has been rewritten in order to streamline it, remove all previous memory leaks, and to improve its overall performace and memory allocations. Created and implemented Binmapper, an all new full featured mapping interface. created and implemented an all new 'define' texture animation dialog. added a keyboard map and key commands text list under the help menu. added direct links to binedit help sites, tutorials under the help menu. implemented a status bar at the bottom of the model window which displays text info when mousing over menu items. moved the current vertex and current face info to the status bar. implemented multiple open models/windows capability. added support for 128x128 and 512x512 raw files. fixed positive axes markers and axes lines to maintain their red, green, and blue colors. updated and improved 'flat shading' rendering. added an active 'save' icon to tool bar. added vertex only view icon to the tool bar model rotation along the Z axis was changed to the 'page up' and 'page down' keys. removed delete current face icon from the tool bar. improved BinEdits wavefront import abilities and export file structure so it's more compatible with other obj software. implemented offset texture U coordinate (ctrl+J, reverse= ctrl+shift+J), and V (ctrl+K, reverse= ctrl+shift+K) coordinate. (note that a face and a vertex on that face must first be selected) added drag and drop support (drag bin file to binedit icon). changed the BinEdit icon -------------------- **** FILE menu **** -------------------- implemented ctrl+N key command to open a new window. added 'Close' window option. save as model, save as backdrop, and save as hellbender bin were consolidated under the 'save as' sub menu. 'save as/mtm backdrop bin' automatically sets the correct face type and magic number when saved. 'insert' was moved to its own menu to allow for new features in later versions. import truck and wavefront were moved to a sub menu. import 3ds was implemented and added to the import sub menu. export wavefront and as vrml were moved to the export sub menu (note export as vrml is currently dissabled). export as 3ds was added to the export sub menu (not yet functional). 'play' was removed from the file menu but is still available by pressing the play (arrow) button on the toolbar or the 'P' key command. ----Preferences Files---- default directories were changed to the following... - default palette (act) file:, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Monster Truck Madness 2\BinEdit\METALCR2.ACT - model directory bin files:, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Monster Truck Madness 2\MODELS\ - art directory act and raw files:, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Monster Truck Madness 2\ART\ - truck directory trk files:, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Monster Truck Madness 2\TRUCK\ added 'diplay not centered vertically when saving' toggle on/off option. added 'display texture size not supported by mtm2 message when loading/saving' toggle on/off option. added 'always save to default model directory' toggle on/off option. ----Preferences Model---- added 'default face type' option (presets any new faces added and imported model face types). added 'background color' option (presets default background color of your 'browse to' choice). added 'show 3d axes' toggle on/off option. added '3d view only' toggle on/off option. added '3d quality' toggle on/off option. added 'show 3d vertices' toggle on/off option. added 'follow current face' toggle on/off option. added 'show transparency' option added default 'rendering' options; vertices only, wireframe, flat shading, and texture mapping. added 'default angle' option ('5' number pad key command). ----Preferences Window---- added 'open models in active window' toggle on/off option. added 'save application window state' toggle on/off option. added 'save child window state' toggle on/off option. -------------------- **** EDIT menu **** -------------------- added menu. added undo/redo (not yet implemented). -------------------- **** VIEW menu **** -------------------- added 'show spherical markers', toggles high detail markers as were used in earlier binedit versions. added 'show transparency' will render transparent face types with a color value of r8,g8,b8 or less invisible. removed toggle vertex status item (this is now always displayed in the status bar). added close [X] button to the browse (models) window. implemented a resizable window to the browse (models) window. added 'play', this was previously under the 'file' menu. --------------------- **** INSERT menu **** --------------------- added menu. added insert 'model', this was previously under the 'file' menu. added insert object, this is not yet functional. --------------------- **** MODEL menu **** --------------------- ---rotate---- consolidated; rotate X, rotate Y and rotate Z into one 'model rotation' dialog box. implemented rotation 'target' options; all vertices, selected vertices, and selected faces. implemented rotation 'units' options (radians or degrees). ---resize--- implemented a new 'resize' bin dialog box. implemented viewable auto resize calculation for all axes when 'keep proportions' is toggled on. added 'reset' button. implemented resize 'target' options; all vertices, selected vertices, and selected faces. ---translate--- implemented a new translate model dialog box. implemented translate 'target' options; all vertices, selected vertices, and selected faces. implemented Alt+X to key command to translate selected vertices along the X axis (Alt+Shift+X to reverse). implemented Alt+Y to key command to translate selected vertices along the Y axis (Alt+Shift+Y to reverse). implemented Alt+Z to key command to translate selected vertices along the Z axis (Alt+Shift+Z to reverse). ---normalize texture--- added 'copy to clipboard' function. fixed mirrored texture display. moved normalize to texture menu ---write texture to textfile--- implemented .lst file extention to be added by default when saved. added 'open as read only' option. moved write texture to texture menu --------------------- **** VERTEX menu **** --------------------- added B keyboard command to cycle tagged vertices (B+Shift reverse). ---add--- added 'ok' button (implements all current additions). added 'cancel' button (cancels all current additions). ---merge close vertices--- updated this function to automaticaly remove 'collapsed' faces and unused vertices when applied. ---set to plane--- added to sub menu (not yet functional). ---select all--- added Alt+A (select all vertices) keyboard command. ---deselect all--- added Alt+D (deselect all vertices) keyboard command. ---invert selection--- added to vertex sub menu (inverts current vertex selection). added Alt+I (invert current selected vertices) keyboard command. ---tagged face vertices--- added to vertex sub menu (tags all vertices connected to tagged faces). ---jump to vertex--- consolidated jump to vertex and jump to face into one common dialog box. added J key command to toggle 'jump to' box. added 'End' keyboard command to jump to -1 vertex (none) note when using the number pad with 'Num Lock' toggle on the 'End' key will jump to the models last vertex and the 'Home' key will jump to the models first vertex. ------------------- **** FACE menu **** ------------------- added G keyboard command to cycle tagged faces (G+Shift reverse). ---add--- implemented a new 'add face' dialog box. added 'add' button to the dialog box (the box will remain open until you select ok or cancel allowing multiple faces to be inserted within one session). added 'face type' options to the dialog box. ---delete current--- key command was changed to Ctrl+Del (was ctrl+x). ---edit current--- added to face sub menu (was properties). corrected mirrored texture display. ---deselect all--- added Ctrl+D key command. ---invert selection--- added to face sub menu, inverts current face group selection. added Ctrl+I key command. ---jump to face--- consolidated jump to face and jump to vertex into one common dialog box. added J key command to toggle 'jump to' box. added 'Home' keyboard command to jump to -1 face (none). ----------------------- **** TEXTURES menu **** ----------------------- ---replace--- added 'replace' to textures sub menu (bin texture replacer) ---normalize--- was moved from the model menu to the texture added image size and dimension text info changed the execute button wording from ok to normalize ---define animation--- implemented a new and much more versitile dialog box. preview animations as they will appear in the game. remove frames or move frame sequences without having to restart. predefined texture animations will reload with the model for easier future modifications. --------------------- **** GROUPS menu **** --------------------- unavailable options are grayed out (ie texture mapping when no faces are selected) ---face groups--- consolidated 'store face group' and 'restore face group' into one dialog box. added 'save current' button. added 'delete' button. added 'rename' button. added 'load' button. implemented mouse drag and drop within face group list to allow manual rearranging of the list. made dialog window resizeable. ---vertex groups--- consolidated 'store vertex group' and 'restore vertex group' into one dialog box. added 'save current' button. added 'delete' button. added 'rename' button. added 'load' button. implemented mouse drag and drop within vertice group list to allow manual rearranging of the list. made dialog window resizeable. ---map face group to texture--- implemented a much more versitile and easier to use mapping interface (binmapper). implemented binmapper vertice point memory. added T key command to open binmapper dialog. added binmapper icon to the toolbar. added vertex selection tool. added vertice group rotation tool, infinite or 15 degree increments. added vertice group scaling tool added map preview option. added resizable window. added infinite zoom capability. added 'join' vertices button. added 'layout' vertices button. added 'reset' vertices button. added guide scales. added texture tools/info. - number of vertices selected. - cursor position. - hot vertex. added texture tools/flip rotate. - angle, rotate vertices option. - selected vertices only option. added texture tools/model. - angle, model view option. - reset, model angle to default. - axis selection (used in conjuction with the rotate model tool). added texture tools/zoom. - zoom in (also right click and drag). - zoom out. - zoom to fit (also double right click). added texture tools/guides. - show guides option. - snap to guides option. - snap within [ ] option. --------------------- **** WINDOW menu **** --------------------- added window menu. added new window, close, close all, cascade, tile horizontally, tile vertically sub menus. added open models listing. ------------------- **** HELP menu **** ------------------- ---keyboard map--- added keyboard map display added keyboard command text list ---about binedit--- updated the version and links ------------------- v2.0 BETA TEST TEAM ------------------- Phineus Gage Winterkill Drive2Survive Legwon MIYH RobbyH14 ZooN BigDOGGe SLO_HotShoe RepFan ---overall design and programming--- Richard Borchard III Oliver Pieper Phineus Gage Malibu350 ======================= 7/10/02 - Version 1.03 ======================= 1) Made it so that the Save Prompt will appear whenever the user attempts to perform an action that would clear the contents of the current file (i.e. the "New File" command or closing the program) after changes have been made to it. 2) Made it so that the Save Prompt will not appear when attempting to close the program if no changes have been made. 3) Got rid of the "This BIN model uses a face type that is not recognized by MTM1" warning dialog that would appear upon saving if the "Shiny Texture" texture type was in use by a face. 4) Added toolbar buttons and menu items for zooming the model in and out. 5) Restored the wavefront file (.obj) import filter. =================================== 8/19/01 - Version 1.02, Release 21 =================================== 1) Fixed Store/Restore Face/Vertex Group menu option so that program will not crash when they are selected. 2) Fixed bug in "Map Face Group to Texture" dialog that caused a crash when mouse click occurred outside of RAW selection control with the drop-down menu open. 3) Fixed problem of accumulating texture files during model browsing. 4) Fixed problem of model being erased when an invalid model is "inserted" into the program. 5) Fixed problem of program crashing when attempting to load an invalid model from the browse window. 6) Fixed problem of program going into an infinite loop when trying to proportionally resize a 2-D model with the third (unused) dimension being given a nonzero value. 7) Fixed problem of program crashing when attempting to delete the program's only vertex. 8) Disabled menu items that are not applicable based on the state of the program. Note - Only "Vertex" and "Face" popup menus are affected so far. 9) Added hyperlinks to http://drive2survive.karf.net and http://karf.net/mtmg/Binedit and updated Oliver Pieper's homepage address within the Help dialog. 10) Added a "Save Prompt" which comes up automatically when the user attempts to terminate the program. ==================== 8/14/01 BinEdit 1.01 ==================== 1) Removed "Test" item from About menu which would cause program to crash whenever selected. =================== 8/7/01 BinEdit 1.00 =================== Fixed problem of jarbled file name along mainframe title along with the two save dialogs' failure to appear when commanded, making BINedit widowsME and 2000 compatible. ============================ BinEdit v1.0+ written by Richard Borchard III (rbiii) ============================