Thought I should post more info for you..
I have been useing PODium for since 1.2.1
as for the confige to use the hacks..Don't use it! never used the extracter ether. Only found 1 bug, when storing tracks in a dir. other than MTM dir. PODium would rite the path as D:\Games\Terminal Reality\Track's\MTM\whaever.pod....
And MTM would only recignize D:\Games\Termin~1\Track's\MTM\whaever.pod....
He said this will be fixed.
And he added the feature to select a default browse dir. in option's path tab..and support for muliple dir's
This was a big plus..
I was disappointed with the way 4x4 delt with pod's, so I played with PODium and found out it worked with 4x4..
Except 4x4 did not have the read problem you know the dos ~1 thingy.(no bug's What so ever)
Then I was jumping for joy
and started my quest to drum up support for blackwind to add 4x4 to PODium.
I am very disapointed
to say that I am convinced Blackwind will no longer work on PODium any more. But he did say he mite release the code for someone els to continue the work