>>>are a form of flooding r they not?
A mild form perhaps. Common sense must prevail when one decides to interject during a discourse, some extraneous elocutions are permissable while oft and sundry loquacity can be distracting and vexatious.
Insp. Davis was obviously a posing Winterkill trying to intimidate SIG, you can tell by his trademark incoherence.
Cardinal Sin was surely the irrepressible EmceeMart acting silly yet again, I've heard he's up at six o'clock every morning working on special training equipment designed to keep him silly! (bring in the comfy chair!)
Bill Gates was surely played by SIG, doing damage control no doubt. ;-)
Room 12a is anyone's guess, probably the guy with the spike in his head, but he was following the theme to make the point that we're way off forum topic.

Andy, the guy with the oddest nickname anyone's ever heard of, made a very funny observation!
Hacman may be the only sane one around h......
<font color=yellow>Stop it!! It's getting very silly!! The whole premise is silly and it's very badly written. I'm the senior officer here and I haven't had a funny line yet. So I'm stopping it. </font><small>(The general public's not going to understand this, are they?)</small>