<center>hmmm, maybe there's a way i can splice in some audio commentary lol</center>No thanks, Mal--it's better with just engine noise lol. Besides, if I hear "Master J" one more time...lmao! As for the replay page itself, yeah, many have contributed, but Jump really deserves the bulk of the credit; he's the guy who pulled it all together and made it work. It's been a great tool for us for quite some time now. One replay can save hours of aggravation trying to learn what someone else already has, so what's not to like?
One point worth making, and maybe some of the newer track makers out there will read this...if a track maker pours his/her heart & soul into making a 3 min track, ensuring every aspect and nuance is just so without having knowledgeable people test it/provide feedback, they could get their feelings hurt after seeing one of these replays lol. A case in point is ZR1_DkriderX's "Pirate's Bay". He was severely disappointed to find his track had been sliced and diced down from 2+ min to a mere 1:21. Proper beta testing (plug) could have saved him some frustration. I'm not saying if a track goes thru all the "proper" beta testing channels it'll be flawless and void of any and all cuts. What I am saying is as far as shortcuts are concerned, the track maker will be
informed of the obvious cuts (at the very least), and will have the option of negating them, making them more/less difficult or leaving them as is. The point is replays are very useful for racing, but they can definitely come in handy during beta testing to demonstrate to the author what cuts exist in their track.
Ok I'm done harping about that stuff lol. Mal, Phin, WK and everyone else...thanks for the positive words! Who knows - maybe this replay page thing will be the start a new trend.