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 Post subject: Editing the TRK file
PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2000 9:43 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2000 2:01 pm
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Editing the TRK file (Trucks) By HAC-MAN (

Lots of people find making trucks easy but have they tried editing the TRK file to make their trucks better.I went on Beeks site and downloaded several trucks & found that most of them had the exact same TRK file as on one of the stock trucks.There isn't alot of help on what i'm about to go through.I dont think MTMG has anything on it either.Anyway Here we go.

NOTE: All the sample bits of the TRK File are taken from the Bigfoot TRK File

I will try to keep the descriptions etc in order of the sections


First step (open your TRK file up in notepad)

MTM2 truckName
Scrape point 1 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 2 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 3 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 4 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 5 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 6 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 7 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 8 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 9 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 10 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 11 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 12 body axis x,y,z
Instrument Cluster
Wave File
Number of Lights
Light 0 type
Light 0 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 0 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 0 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 0 source: bitmap name
Light 0 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 1 type
Light 1 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 1 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 1 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 1 source: bitmap name
Light 1 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 2 type
Light 2 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 2 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 2 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 2 source: bitmap name
Light 2 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 3 type
Light 3 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 3 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 3 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 3 source: bitmap name
Light 3 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 4 type
Light 4 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 4 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 4 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 4 source: bitmap name
Light 4 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 5 type
Light 5 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 5 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 5 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 5 source: bitmap name
Light 5 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 6 type
Light 6 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 6 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 6 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 6 source: bitmap name
Light 6 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 7 type
Light 7 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 7 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 7 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 7 source: bitmap name
Light 7 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 8 type
Light 8 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 8 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 8 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 8 source: bitmap name
Light 8 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 9 type
Light 9 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 9 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 9 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 9 source: bitmap name
Light 9 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
Light 10 type
Light 10 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
Light 10 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
Light 10 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
Light 10 source: bitmap name
Light 10 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)

--->MTM2 truckName

This is the name of your truck.Can be changed to just about anything.I dont know about special characters like © etc


This is for when you want to call apon your truck TRK in TrackED2.Keep it short.Say you trucks name is MYTRUCK in this section just put MYTRK or something easy to remember


The base name of the model used for your tires.Here is a list of the stock tires base names if you use stock tyre models which lots of people do.


Just type ONE of these in the field and your tyre models will be the ones you specified.I recommend getting LordCaps 3d Mud Tyres they are heaps better than the stock tyres.They are the best tyre model i've come across (I use them all the time).I dont know where LordCaps site is but go to MTM.VIRTUALAVE.NET and search for LordCap & you will find it. MTM.VIRTUALAVE.NET also has lots of other links to MTM1/2 sites.Easily over 200 sites


The base name of the model you use for your axle.Usually just leave this there are not very many custom axle models out there from what i know of & you usually never see it anyway so dont bother with this.You can type in Axle.bin & Axle3.bin there may be more i dont know


The texture used for the shock bars.In case you're wondering what it is to put it simply it is near the axle.Same as most of the things above.Type in the texture name and you have a new shock bar texture


The axle bar texture.Same sought of thing as the shock bar except in a different position & a little different shape.Type in the texture name and the texture you chose will be your new axle bar texture.


Where the axle bar is.This is in XYZ co-ordinates.For the beginners
X=moves the axle bar sideways
Y=moves the axle bar up/down
Z=moves the axle bar backwards or forwards

I usually just edit the first no of the decimal (the whole number) & i dont bother with the stuff behind the decimal point as they dont make much of a difference


could be


If you did this the changes would be minimal but they could be what you need.


Dont know what the first line is but the other lines are to do with the positions of the tyres

faxle.rtire.static_bpos.x ====>Position of the front-right tyre (X)
faxle.ltire.static_bpos.x ====>Position of the front-left tyre (X)
raxle.rtire.static_bpos.x ====>Position of the rear-right tyre (X)
raxle.ltire.static_bpos.x ====>Position of the rear-left tyre (X)
faxle.rtire.static_bpos.y ====>Position of the Front-right tyre (Y)
faxle.ltire.static_bpos.y ====>Position of the front-left tyre (Y)
raxle.rtire.static_bpos.y ====>Position of the rear-right tyre (Y)
raxle.ltire.static_bpos.y ====>Position of the rear-left tyre (Y)
faxle.rtire.static_bpos.z ====>Position of the front-right tyre (Z)
faxle.ltire.static_bpos.z ====>Position of the front-left tyre (Z)
raxle.rtire.static_bpos.z ====>Position of the rear-right tyre (Z)
raxle.ltire.static_bpos.z ====>Position of the rear-left tyre (Z)

Here is a basic diagram

| |
| |
| || A | || B
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| || C | || D
| |

The | || are the tyres.If you think of the tyres positions like this it is very easy to change the position of the tyres on your truck without too much confusion

(A)XYZ =4.291666,-3.800000,6.100000
(B)XYZ =-4.291666,-3.800000,6.100000
(C)XYZ =4.291666,-3.800000,-5.500000
(D)XYZ =-4.291666,-3.800000,-5.500000

^Have a close look there is a pattern in the numbers.

--->Scrape Point stuff

This truck's height & controls the truck so that it doesn't sink into the ground (I think).I haven't experimented with this but with these co-ordinates you shpould be able change them to go up really high.This means that you can have helicopters that actually fly without any editing to a BIN

Scrape point 1 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 2 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 3 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 4 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 5 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 6 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 7 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 8 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 9 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 10 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 11 body axis x,y,z
Scrape point 12 body axis x,y,z

Same as before XYZ co-ordinates that you can move around

A reminder (Most BIN modellers would know this)

X=moves sideways
Y=moves up/down
Z=moves backwards or forwards

|Y /Z
| /
/ |
/ |
/ |

--->Instrument Cluster
I only came across this recently.I am pretty sure that this is the name of the cockpit.This means you can have a seperate cockpit for your truck (file size would increase though).This could be very handy for my Pod Racer For MTM2 remake.Now i can have a seperate cockpit for all of the Pod Racers

MTM2 one is = powerbig
MTM1 is = ??????

I dont know if the MTM1 works in MTM2 but if it does this could also come in handy

--->Wave File

The commentating for what army armstrong says as you.Be creative dont leave it the way it is.Dub some of army's commentary.I've done this heaps.It can be done in sound recorder.


"Do all roads lead to the top,yehhhheee we'll soon find out"

I've cut this down to "yehhhheee".Look in the sound.pod file there heaps of commentating that army never actually says in the game some very funny ones in there too.

--->Number of Lights

The number of lights you have on your truck.
NOTE: number must be the amount of lights in the below section or truck will not work

1/Light 0 type
2/Light 0 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
3/Light 0 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
4/Light 0 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
5/Light 0 source: bitmap name
6/Light 0 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)

1/The type of light (Dont know what happens when you use 1 instead of 0)but it is used on some lights

2/Position of light

XYZ stuff (More details above)

(Why doesn't somebody make a program which plots the XYZ co-ordinates for you.Would be a very nifty program.When i learn more about programming i will make a program that does this)

3/heading/pitch & spin speed

Not sure but i think that this determines certain special effects for the light.the heading spin speed sounds interesting but isn't used in any of the MTM trucks.If it does what i think it does you could have some very good looking lights oon your trucks

4/Cone size etc

this is all about the cone size of the light and how far it goes & brightness.This is where you can really add some good looking lights onto your truck.The filename on the end is the colour of the cone.I've experimented before & it is possible to get red headlights or any other colour you want.Fluro green looks really good

5/Light source

Colour of the light.You can chnage this to any colour you want just repaint the RAW file right.Try fluro green it is heaps better than white or yellow

6/Something about the light blinking
This is something else that seems unused in MTM2 trucks & i dont have a clue what it could be.All i know is that it has something to do with the ligt blinking

Thats it.

Hope this helps you in your truck making.Please add anything i left out or dont know about here.Cause i know i didn't mention everything.Other sections are just a little vague cause i dont know much abiut them either.Hey i did right this whole thing in an hour or something so theres bound to be info to add.

Go to for more info on editing lights.You can also email me for more info on lights.I didn't have time to write down everything

I'll be back.

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2000 2:50 pm 
Glow Ball
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Joined: Tue Feb 02, 1999 7:00 pm
Posts: 24
>>I usually just edit the first no of the decimal (the whole number) & i dont bother with the stuff behind the decimal point as they dont make much of a difference

I use a calculator to get those numbers. I determine them first, say in binedit, then convert editor units to feet. I can get pinpoint accuracy this way. Example, 0.2 and 0.9 can make a huge difference.

Your tire(XYZ) arrangment of the numbers shows some common sense that makes a person wonder why tri didn't do it this way.

--->Scrape Point stuff

This has to do with how the trucks interact in the game and how damage is displayed. Open a .TRK in tracked2 then save it again, and the scrapepoints will be set correctly automatically. Nothing could be simpler. In tracked2 you can "see" the scrape points by toggling the "s" key.

--->Instrument Cluster

I believe that powerbig.bin cannot open in binedit. However, Oliver Pieper has created one that works. Check it out at his site....don't know the mtm1 bin name. (oops, just read wk's note).

--->Wave File

Yep, and you can splice together those bits and pieces to get army to say things he never even imagined. This has been done hundreds of times. Myself, however, run the game without army at all. So, it could be loads of work for nothing.

>>(Why doesn't somebody make a program which plots the XYZ co-ordinates for you. Would be a very nifty program. When i learn more about programming i will make a program that does this)

wouldn't it be good if somebody created a truck making program like bill has done with traxx. However, in the absence of anything like that, there is always binedit. Add a vertex, move it to the spot you want the light to appear, check the vertex coordinates, divide by 256 and bingo, perfect alignment every time.

3/heading/pitch & spin speed

left-right-forward-back-up-down. and how quickly monster patrol-like lights rotate.


And btw, I'm planning to supplement the truck info at mtmg with yet a few more goodies. Fortunately, Drive2Survive has done a fantastic job and most of what remains are just a few notes. A few other things are a bit higher up on the priority list first, but we get to them all sooner or later.

- Phineus

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2000 2:08 am 

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>1/The type of light (Dont know what happens when you use 1 instead of 0)but it is used on some lights

1 is a brake light.

>3/heading/pitch & spin speed

As Phin said, Monster Patrol uses this.

>6/Something about the light blinking
This is something else that seems unused in MTM2 trucks & i dont have a clue what it could be.All i know is that it has something to do with the ligt blinking

It's been a while, but in addition to Snake Bite, I believe the blimp uses this too.

And Phin - in reference to why TRI didn't use the above tire XYZ arrangement - I hadn't gotten my hands on it way back then - but it's like that now. ;]

- Gromit (4x4E lead programmer)

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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2000 12:24 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2000 2:01 pm
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Location: sydney,australia
Thanks everyone for adding stuff.


Yep it would be good if someone made a good truck making program like Traxx.If GB would make one he could call it Truxx or TruckED.Thanks for that xtra info too


Thanks for that xtra info.Really helped me on my trucks.


Thanks for that info.If u really are from TRI.Where is there a site where i can see the new 4x4 game from TRI.Is it going to have lots of editors like MTM1/2

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2000 3:50 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2000 2:01 pm
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Location: Terminal Reality
Hehehehe... Haccy, yes I am from TRI.

Have you been reading the 4x4 Evolution section of this web board? =] Check my profile for the link to our 4x4E website. On it are links to other fan sites also.

Yes there will be a new editor and maybe some other tools. Also, TruckEd is a TRI name, but if GB ever did do any truck stuff, he'd prolly use the name Truxx anyway, I dunno...

- Gromit (4x4E lead programmer)

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2000 11:40 am 

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Oh i never saw the 4x4 Evolution board down the bottom.I only really go to the ones near the top.Well i'll take a look.Too bad i wont be able to get the game because i dont have a 3d card.Thanks

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2000 11:38 am 

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Wow, a person from TRI... I always wondered if TRI meant for addons to be made? If they did, I just wanna say, they are very smart. All the other companies do SOOO much work to make sure their games can't be modified, but all they're doing is lots of work to make a game boring. MESSAGE TO ALL COMAPNIES: It's fun to modify. We computer nerds, er, people, like challenge ourselves creating modifications to games. Think about that. It's lots of fun to have a trial and error process system to create something new, fun, and wonderful. Even if it screws up, has to be done over, or lights your computer on fir... I mean, its fun.

Anyway, more to the point, since everyone is talking about pod racers (Is that a hover car that I have been looking for since '99?) I think you could easily make a helicopter type car by making the bin much higher off the ground compared to the wheels. That way, since it's like having invisible wheels (right?) you'd have a car that it actually floating above it's wheels but you can't tell. I think.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2000 11:57 am 

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Posts: 236
Note: About the computer nerds joke...

Sorry if anyone was offended, it was just meant to be a joke. Besides, I would have been insulting myself. And, I lead a normal life like any other talking cat.. er, person... Ooops... Now, where'd I leave the amnesia ray?

BTW... All this talk about modifying gives me an idea. We already know you can unlock more secret horn sounds, a secret track and a secret truck (I'm sure u already have those) by modifying the file in your (umm, I forgot) folder, but what else could you do? I'm sure there's lots that u could do to MTM2 by moding that...


[This message has been edited by AIR_Wipeout (edited 06-06-2000).]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2000 7:26 am 

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if you're talking abut the monster.ini file there is a message i posted a while ago which mentions alot to do with the monster.ini file.I cant remember where it is but it is called Monster.INI.

Yep iyou can make a helicopter like car only problem is that if you crash...well you get the idea.

Is everyone talking about pod racers.If everyone was i would have a lot more people helping on my PR4MTM2 remake.

And yes i am a computer nerd....

---> HAC-MAN
---> Keep On Hackin'

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2000 12:47 am 
Nice job on the TRK desciption Hac-Man.

Oh and here is the URL for my website.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:21 am 
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--->Instrument Cluster

I believe that powerbig.bin cannot open in binedit.


(oops, just read wk's note)

where where? :o)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:50 am 
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>> where where? :o)

heh. The old Winterkill went on a deleting spree years ago. The only think I can think that I'd have said is that powerbig.bin has nothing to do with the cockpit instrumentation and that it is simply an mtm1 truck body in need of textures. ;o)

The powerbig that really does something is in the cockpit.pod, "powerbig.480" is a text file that determines the cockpit layout in 640x480 resolution. Most values relate to the real cockpit view, not the simplified instrument overlay (which can be changed as detailed here: ). One value that does relate to the overlay is the degrees per mph setting, but that really isn't worth bothering with, I'd hoped to shrink the 'ometers on the overlay but they appear to be hard coded into the game engine. Most everything else defines the size, locations and filenames of the in-truck cockpit elements, which <i>are</i> all fully configurable. Fully custom cockpits are possible for the technically inclined, but I doubt one would be worth the bother. The "Instrument Cluster" line in the truck file calls upon the stock cockpit config file which I just described, and it's possible that a truck could have it's very own cockpit by changing that line and including all of the necessary files in the truck pod.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:44 am 
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yea - and the images for the cockpit are a pain cause they aint square.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 2:29 am 
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Wow! I feel like I just cracked open a history book.......I can't imagine someone making a truck and NOT modifying the TRK file these days...

--> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." -- Henry Ford

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 8:02 am 
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There are too many guys that make trucks these days, that have no idea how to edit the TRK file, it's just sad.

I've taught a few guys how to make trucks, and I can never emphasize enough to them, how important it is to learn how to edit the TRK file.

But still, we see alot of trucks that the axlebars don't line up, or touch anything. Driveshafts are way off, and don't even get me started on lights...

This is what you need to learn to really make great trucks imo. Best way to get them to handle great, and look their best.

When I first learned, I printed out Lord Cap's description of the TRK file, it took many pages. But when I made a truck, I had it next to me so I could refer to it. I've thrown it away long ago, I know the whole TRK file by heart now. It only LOOKS intimidating the first time, once you learn what it all says, you'll realize that it's really redundant, but it's all there for a purpose. Just some small changes to each section makes a huge difference between good, and great trucks.

Rep Fan's Garage

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 9:47 am 
Glow Ball
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Posts: 24
Since we're talking about trk files, I might as well pipe in with this little graphic I made a while back... in case the reference ever proves helpful.

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