Here are the real names for the MTM1 CD audio tracks, taken from the tracked 1.1 FAQ:
These are the music types and names for the tracks on the CD.
Type of Music Names floating around TRI
============= =========================
2. Rock 1 2. Tuf-guys
3. Rock 2 3. Weazel
4. Grunge 4. Nutbuster
5. Tread (techno) 5. Tread
6. Head (techno) 6. Mecca-X
7. Slam (techno) 7. Kingstud
8. Country 1 8. Lonestar
9. Country 2 9. Ghost T.
10. Surf 10. Deep-6
11. Funk 11. Squealer
12. Soul 12. Perco
13. Rap 13. OG-Truck
the stock MOD FastTracker music found on the game files includes 2 songs not found on the CD
For mtm2, I think Phin made those names up I'm not sure, I remember seeing those on MTMG (couldn't find the page) and uploading those names to the CDDB. Now they are all on youtube.
2 Farm Road
3 Impersonation
4 Graveyard
5 Funk Rock
6 Just Heavy
7 Thrash
8 Trippy
9 Jungle
10 Pulp Fictionish
the only song not included in the CD is "splash", which is found only on music.pod. Probably, "Thrash" was supposed to be the splash screen-main menu song but TRI/MS changed their mind at some point.