I'm looking around to get ideas for my newest track. I have a theme, and the terrain is done.
what i am looking for is sharp looking tracks with good model placement, good custom texture work, and a good blend of the models into he track design.
What I am really looking for is cool ideas that have been implemented. There has been a ton of advancements in made in the MTM2 track department. I guess I have my own ideas but would like to see anything I may have missed.
examples, the Godzilla backdrop, ground boxes used to make underwater trcks playable. Chargin falls, californication, caev race, and lupine express are great examples of what can be done. even if the track wasn't finished or was no good to race the ideas are what I am looking for.
Being a track maker I just ant all of the tools and capabilities that are available. Knowing what you can and can't do really helps create a great environment.
So anyone have any more tracks on their list I should check out, or remember any odd ones with some cool effects/ideas?
Thanks in advance
By the way if you have any cool or beat ideas that have not been done, I'd be happy to give them a shot, you are welcome to post those ideas here.