This is a very handy trick for placing objects on ground boxes, that a lot of people overlook.
Placing objects on ground boxes can be a real pain. especially if the terrain below the ground boxes varies in altitude. The hard way to do it, is to individually tinker with the height of the object, until you get it just right. If you have quite a few models to set, this can take a long time.
Here's the easy way:
Now, go to where your ground boxes are, and raise all of the terrain below the ground boxes, to the altitude of the top of your ground box/es. So if the top of your ground box is set to 100, then the terrain should be up to 100 too. Don't worry about screwing up the terrain below the ground boxes.
Next, set the models on the ground, like you would normally. (If you set a mass to them, if any trucks drive beneath them, the will fall through the ground boxes, so it's a good idea to set the mass to 0).
Now that you have the models all set how you want them, choose EDIT>PASTE TERRAIN BITMAP
If everything goes well, you'll have your models set perfectly on the ground boxes, and your terrain will be back to normal.
Hope this makes things easier