Takes about a quarter of a minute.
Just take the size of the file and divide by the download rate and you'll get the time it takes to dowload a file. Use Google so it keeps the units straight. IE bits from bytes and whatnot.
Takes about .7 seconds on my 768kbps broadband.
Please note that
kB or KB is kiloBYTE
kb or Kb is kiloBIT
ie KB is 8 times more info than a kb (really more like 9 or 10 if u consider parity bits)
also KBps is 8 time faster than Kbps.
K always means Kilo - or thousand - or more computerly speaking (2^10) 1024
a 56.6kbps modem can usually connect at about 48 kbps which is 5 kBps (just divide by 10 - it's easier than dividing by 8 and more accurate when parity bits are being used)
Hope this helps.
The answer is yes - it takes too long to download. Use some compression - if u go down to 80 you probably won't be able to tell at all! Go as low as possible with it still looking good.