K, just got back from the country and i..... ooops, wrong place, hehe, k, as long as i'm here, hmmm, k Winter, thnx for review, gonna put some models there where u suggested, would look better that way, as there before the mountains, i will smooth there, so it will be smooth, and gonna have a real hard thinking (now, this is new for me) and look what can i do there, if i should put a bank, if i should do that that, bla bla bla. K, this is about it. And i will smooth also the turn there in the mountains where u go left, well, that is about it for now. Cya later
P.S. After this track will be released, very soon there will be another beta of my new track at this section. So, stick aorund after i release the final version of this one.
[This message has been edited by DMS_Fila (edited 09-07-2000).]