<b>"Sky clip overflow!" </b>
That sounds exciting.
Good presentation, Kmaster!
I don't know how useful it will be, but I hope you enjoyed making it.
Sometimes the journey is it's own reward, and it's only reward.
I've looked inside monster.exe myself and remember seeing a lot of that stuff. I must say that it lists a lot of errors we will never see, because the game is complete, or because the track editors we have do not create corrupt pods, among other reasons. Still, I have invoked a few of those strange errors while experimenting with pods (mad science), some of which only the developer (TRI) would have ever seen before. I didn't save any screenshots for the
MTMG error collection because I knew that nobody else would ever see them or need them.
There are also things that do not apply to MTM2, such as leftover code and routines from previous TRI efforts. Even MTM pods and LVL files contain things that are leftovers from previous games (Terminal Velocity, Hellbender, Fury3, etc.), such as references to ".pup" and ".tdf". The section about PBMs does not apply to us, they are cockpit files used in other TRI games, but not MTM. The "Ckptutil.c" text applies to cockpit utility routines that aren't accessible in monster.exe or tracked2.exe, it's just junk code that was left in the exe.
However, the level error "Bad level music rockx.wav" is one I'm familiar with. It's not an error we ever "see", but everyone who has used add-on tracks has surely heard the results. Even now, when "music MOD/WAV is not specified" when building a track in Traxx, it's writes a "bad" entry in the level file, such as "newtrack.mod" for an MTM2 track. The result of that bad reference is that the "bad music"
rockx.wav is used as a default -- that is why we have all heard that horrible (bad) hardrock music more than any other! (*ahem* perhaps Traxx should default to something better in
future versions).
I just wanted to help put your list in perspective, Kmaster.
I'll keep your work in mind for the future, in case I want to look something up.
Nice website:
Have you added it to
The New MTM Site Directory?