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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:43 pm 
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Okay, this is what I did.......................

1)Unzipped The Ford Expedtion from Bigdogge's site.
2)Unzip the Art
3)Opened Tracked2
4)Opened the Truck Editior
5)Typed in Body Model
6)Pressed 9


1. Unzipped The Ford Expedtion from Bigdogge's site.
I assume you mean you downloaded and unzipped the Expedition body model from my scrapyard.

2. Unzip the Art
Did you place the act and raw files in your ART folder and the bin model in your MODELS folder?

3. Opened the Tracked2

4. Opened the Truck Editior

5. Typed in Body Model
Wrong....To load a truck, the next step would be to press "1" and enter the name of an existing TRK file, not a BIN. Just type the name of the file, but leave the ".TRK" extension off of the end of the name.

TRACKED2 will read the data in the TRK file and load whatever models are listed within it, including the body model, wheels and axle models.

AT THIS POINT, you can press "4" and select a different bin model for the truck if you wish.


Once you have the truck loaded as you want it, press "9" to create a new POD. When you do, Tracked2 will ask you 3 questions:

A. First it will ask for the name of the TRK file you wish to make into a POD...enter the name without the TRK extension. (example: if the truck's .trk file is called DRAGON.TRK, then just type in "DRAGON"

B. Next it will ask what you want the POD file to be called....Type in the name you wish it to be, but be sure to include the .POD extension at the end. (example: you could call it "DRAGON.POD"). Make sure the name is not longer than 8 letters (dragon = 6 letters)

C. Finally, the third question will be ENTER VOLUME NAME. This is information hidden within the truck pod for future referrence.

You can just hit return and leave it blank, or type in a message like "DRAGON made by (author's name)"

If all the files called for in the TRK file are available, then it will create a new POD file.....If ANY of the called-for files are not in their proper folders (models, art, sound) then tracked2 will not make a pod, and may simply close itself as it doen on my machine.

--> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." -- Henry Ford

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:30 pm 
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[b]I'll install Win 98 on another comp........ I hate doing this, it still never worked, or it could because it there is a bad texture....... whatever anyways, is there a bad texture in the ford expedtion BigDogge?

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:13 pm 

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Grim, Slow Down. Read the posts that Rep and BD are posting. They answer your problem, you just need to gain patience and read what they have to say.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:25 pm 
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I downloaded a fresh copy of the Ford from my scrapyard....It's fine and error-free.

Copy the text in your TRK file and post it here, so I may check it for errors.

--> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." -- Henry Ford

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:11 am 
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Rep Fan wrote:
I explained it in that really huge post I made above, and I refuse to help you if you aren't even going to try to help yourself.

We've all posted links to where to look for the info you need. Do some reading.

I did read it! I am tryin to help myself! So maybe my textures or models r bad for the truck.

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:08 am 
You Gonna Eat That?
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Just so we understand... tell us exactly what happens when it crashes.

Skip all the loading of models etc. You load the body model, it works right? Your new body model is on the truck and spinning in there right? Then you go to build it, by hitting 9, you type in the .trk name, and the .pod name, then what?

If it starts to build the truck, and then crashes, it's a bad texture. BUT it ISN'T a bad texture for that model. BD just checked his model and textures for that same one and they're fine. So if that is the case, you still have a texture that is crashing it, and I'm going to say it again because you didn't say if it does crash, does it leave an error message? IF IT DOES, tell us what it says.

If it's not giving you an error message, and it's still crashing, that means you are missing a texture. If you are using the stock Bigfoot in Tracked2 that is spinning in there, you still have to have all the parts of that Bigfoot, extracted and in your folders, models and all textures for that stock Bigfoot. What you are trying to do is build actually build the stock Bigfoot, with a new body on it. Tracked2 can't do that if it doesn't have all the parts for it. If that is the case, open up Winpod and extract ALL the contents of the Truck2.pod. Then try it again. Now it should work.

If not, you have to tell us word for word, and in detail so we can get this thing fixed before we ALL get completely fed up with you. We aren't there with you, so we have no idea what is going on on your end, so you have to help us. Repeating what we say, and yelling and freaking out is going to get you the "big middle finger" from me anyway. So help us to help you. This is something simple, and you're making it way too hard. We all asked you on the first page of this huge post to tell us what's going on, and you get to that part and say nothing, so I'll ask again, is there an error message? If so you have to tell us what it says.

Rep Fan's Garage

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 7:26 am 
Glow Ball
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There are currently 4402 trucks hosted on this site.

There are 2093 trucks hosted on kc's site.

At least half of those were created in tracked2.

Conclusion, tracked2 is not the problem.


If tracked2 is causing so much trouble, why not just use one of the other many many methods for creating a truck?

And why are you using tracked2 anyway? None of the truck making tutorials use tracked2 as the podding tool. None of them.

Mdmre uses winpod

I myself showed how to use cpod

And not only have I detailed the way to use tracked2 here

But rep fan has repeated the instruction above, and bigdogge took you step by step and showed you what you're doing wrong by your own account.

Conclusion, you are not paying attention.


Everybody has asked you to describe in detail exactly what is happening and you refuse to do that.

Conclusion, people will soon stop caring whether you get it to work or not.


I don't see this problem getting fixed unless you zip up your files and send them to somebody who knows what they're doing. Obviously, this will never get solved by having people just guess what you're doing.

But the real solution is for you to go back to one of the repaint tutorials and do it over again. Step by step, and don't skip or miss anything. Those tutorials have been working for years and years. There is no reason to suppose you cannot make a truck by following those instructions. That has worked for everybody else, it'll work for you too.

Go back and do one of the repaint tutorials. Because the fact of the matter is, I don't believe you've ever done one of them. You may not like the idea, but it doesn't matter. You can't run until you learn to walk first. If you don't do them, you're just making it harder for yourself, and you are frustrating and agravating everybody else.

If you do it right, it will work. If you don't, it never will.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:56 pm 
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Hey Bigdogge, what should i show ya, the bin model, the program? What should I show ya? Guys I really sorry about making you stressed out, u see i'm only a newbie to comps. i get confused easily, i'm still a little confused on trks.

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 3:30 pm 
You Gonna Eat That?
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Jeeezus, that's it, I give up, he's all yours guys. I'm washing my hands of this, and going back to my life.

Rep Fan's Garage

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:31 pm 
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I did display one! I unzip the art and mod, then i ran tracked2 and went into the truck editior and type in wildfoot then entered "Expeditn" then it says "First, enter truck to save" i type in Grimtruk and then it crashes i set the graphics options back to pentium 166 or whatever it is, i made sure it was 8 letters long, i tried everything u said. I'm sorry if i got u stressed out rep fan.

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:36 pm 
Glow Ball
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Do one of the repaint tutorials !

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:01 pm 
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Where to?

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:13 pm 
Glow Ball
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Phineus wrote:

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:30 pm 
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then it says "First, enter truck to save" i type in Grimtruk and then it crashes

Either you don't HAVE a .trk file named "Grimtruk.trk", or you do, and Tracked2 can't find all of the wheels, axles, etc. listed within it.

I also noted that you are flipping back and forth between TRK and TRUCK in your speech. A TRK file is a text file found in your TRUCK folder.

Now I recommend you use Phineus's links and read up on those repaint tutorials, and if you still have trouble with tracked2, try using C-pod as suggested....You may find it easier to use.

--> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." -- Henry Ford

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:06 am 
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I'm Downloaded Pain Shop Pro as I speak, I already got the other program, u mean t hat it can't find the tires? Thanks to BigDogge, Phineus and Repfan, Drive2survive, Legwon, Kdwag

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:50 am 
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IF u can find that link,click it.

it will explain everything that u need to know.
it has repaint tut's, advanced tut's, track tut's and a hella lot more.

Leg's Auto Emporium most anything that you'll need to make a truck!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:41 am 
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K, I'll get started then Legwon!

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:19 am 
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Okay, now I'll try it later. I painted most of it, I got kool designs on the truck it's gonna be great. Thanks, to Legwon and Big Dogge for supplying the models. It's coming out soon! I just hope it works again!

East is East, West is West, if you go slow, I'll pass you and you''ll fail the test!!!

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